Hi, All. I was dx with hashimoto 25 years ago. Started on 25 mcg levothyroxin and 20 plus years later my dose was 150.
I started SI 2 years ago. I've made tons of progress with PA symptoms even feeling recovered for periods of time. But I kept having other weird issues. I got a new doc and he tested my tsh and I'm hyperthyroid (i hadnt been tested for a while). I believe I have been for well over a year based on ongoing symptoms.
My levo dose was reduced to 137 mcg. Borderline hyper and still having symptoms. Now my dose is about to be reduced to 125mcg. Not sure if it will be reduced again but we'll see in 6 weeks.
In all these years being treated for hashis I've never went hyper and I've never required a levo dose decrease. In fact, the years leading up to PA dx and treatment I had several dose increases.
The only major change around the time I became hyper is the B12 injections/healing from PA. I know I can go hyper for a lot of reasons and it may be a coincidence, but I'm wondering if anyone has experienced the same thing? Or any research available on the topic?
I'm so frustrated cuz I've healed so much from PA. My nerve pain and symptoms have reduced 90% but I'm dealing with all the hyperthyroid symptoms for so long. I know I have to be patient but I'm so mentally and physically exhausted. I don't have symptoms or any reason to believe I have graves or other disorders that can lead to hyperthyroidism.