I have just noticed that the report states whole stomach atrophic mucosa as well as gastric muscosa at the antrum. Would this indicate AIG rather than H Pylori?
I have just noticed that the report states whole stomach atrophic mucosa as well as gastric muscosa at the antrum. Would this indicate AIG rather than H Pylori?
There may be some useful info on gastritis on GUTS UK (charity) website.
Have you considered joining and talking to PAS (Pernicious Anaemia Society)?
Gastritis is mentioned on their website.
PAS membership is separate to membership of this forum.
You do not need a confirmed diagnosis of PA to join PAS.
There are PAS support groups in UK. Most meet online.
These can be useful places to swap information.
I think non members can attend some support meetings but check with PAS.
PAS website has lots of useful leaflets eg "Helpsheet for Patient-GP Discussion"
Non members can attend PAS online events.
B12info.com has lots of useful info and an interesting blog.
B12d.org organises interesting online talks and a monthly coffee morning (near Durham).
The B12 Society has useful lists of symptoms and causes.
I'm not medically trained just someone who suffered for years from unrecognised and untreated B12 deficiency.
Keep asking questions.