This article was published in the Post today.
Washington Post Article on B-12 - Pernicious Anaemi...
Washington Post Article on B-12
Any chance you could summarise this article please? I can't read it without either paying a subscription or signing up for an account. I'm in the UK, so really don't want to do either of those things for a US site. 😊
No idea why, but I was able to access it and have put a PDF of the article here:
Medical Mysteries: Why did this baby’s robust appetite wither?
A simple blood test when the mother first saw a doctor would have revealed the cause of this baby's malaise. Why oh why are doctors so reluctant to order blood tests and when will the majority accept the importance of vitamins and minerals. In my experience, unless levels are seriously below range the response is a shrug of the shoulders.
Try this link. It's a share not a cut and paste
Thanks for trying, but unfortunately, despite the fact it says it's a 'GIFT FROM A POST SUBSCRIBER' it still won't let me read the article without creating an account.
Sorry about that. Try googling Medical Mysteries: Why did this baby’s robust appetite wither? The article is on the Post Facebook Page. Maybe you cab access it through Facebook.
Your thread made me think of a post on about a young child with B12 deficiency.
There are stories about babies, children and young people with B12 deficiency in these books
"Could it be B12?" by Sally Pacholok and J.J. Stuart (US authors)
"What You Need to Know About Pernicious Anaemia and Vitamin B12 Deficiency" by Martyn Hooper (founder of Pernicious Anaemia Society).
"“Vitamin B12 deficiency in Clinical Practice” (subtitle “Doctor, you gave me my life back!” by Dr Joseph “Chandy” Kayyalackakom and Hugo Minney PhD.
B12info article about Children and B12 deficiency
PAS have articles that might be of interest eg
Vitamin B12 Deficiency in Pregnancy and Newborns Leaflet
Juvenile Pernicious Anaemia Information for Parents