I've got this booked for tomorrow and I'm still unwell from B12 deficiency. Still got neuropathy, dry eyes, ataxia etc. Weighing up whether to have the jab or not. Over Xmas grandkids will be here plus others so risk of infection. I had radioiodine in Jan so was told I'd be immune suppressed for at least 6 months and probably longer. Tomorrow is the last day I can get the jab as I'm in UK and this booster is finishing. What to do!!!
Looking for advice about a covud jab - Pernicious Anaemi...
Looking for advice about a covud jab

you should take medical advice. Its the risk of infection vs. risk from any vaccine reaction. And of course get that B12 topped up as well as your Iron, foliate and other B's
Thanks. I'm taking SL B12 plus folate which I sourced. (4.5 weeks ago now) B12 had reduced by just under 50% in 12 months. Waiting result for H Pylori. Negative coelic test. Hoping GP will authorise B12 injections on Wed as Endo and spine surgeon has recommended them. Will ask for iron panel as I'm so fatigued.
It's a difficult decision weighing up the pros and cons.My daughter is on a drug that makes her immuni suppressed.
She decided to get vaccinated with flu snd covid in thd end as offered it .
Didn't get an extra B12 jab as doesn't self inject.
Her health conditions complex.
Only you know how you feel and how you reacted to last covid vaccination.
Of get family members to do covid tests before meeting up witb you .
Get them to wash hands on entering your house and give them seperate towels .
Keep some windows open ????
Hope decision made soon, your agonising over
My personal experience was that I needed injections, high dose oral B12, high B12 diet has little or no effect but injection was very successful. GP should authorise B12 as thats what NICE guidelines say, I would also suggest you ask your practice nurses to show you how to self-inject.
Good luck!
Thanks! I'm hoping this time I can persuade the GP. They've resisted so far even when I've presented NICE guidelines and BMA paper.
There seems a lot of that, I was lucky to get a GP that prescribed immedialtly althout not at high enough frequency, perhap have a look at the practice process for getting a second opinion or grievance process. B12 is so cheap, effective and safe it seems crazy not to prescribe it. If you self inject -which I have found easy- its no impact on them either.
A bit expensive, but you could find an aesthetic beautician to top up your B12 if you have gone ahead with the vaccine.
That's good!
If I'd been able I'd have had the jab, I'm still coughing 7 weeks after covid hit me.That said I paid for my flu jab & then had flu 2 weeks later!
I've not had so much as a cold since 2019, so I'm making up for lost time.
I'm SI 'ing like there's no tomorrow at the moment.
Good luck, hope it's goes well.
I hope you feel much improved before too long -it's so debilitating. I had the 3 month cough last winter - it's no joke. I really worry about Covid as I had it Oct 23 and immediately got diverticulitis with emergency admittance. I hope to never experience that again. I have managed diverticulosis for many years with no issues. 'They' reckon Covid virus attacked my gut as its a weakened spot. Apparently, it's opportunistic and hones in on weakened or compromised organs / systems. 🙄😱😬
Thank you.Oh my goodness, you definitely don't want that again! Don't skimp on the B12 once you've got everything. 🙂