My bloods have come back "normal" but my levels are only 295ng/l is this not low? Having alot of b12 deficincy symptoms.
B12 levels : My bloods have come back... - Pernicious Anaemi...
B12 levels
The 'In range ' figure should be in brackets on the right of your results .I.e 106ng/L ( 200-900ng/L)
So your reading is in range .
We all operate at different levels.
If you've a previous test alot higher it will show the drop
Is your diet good
Anti acids csn slow absorbtion of b12 over time.
It's possible to still be deficient 'in range ' as all the B12 is not active its the total figure but you'd need more tests to convince s G.p to treat you
Was your folate ,ferritin vit D ,iron, thyroid tested??
Alot of symptoms overlap with other things
I left some detailed replies in thread below which you might find useful.
Let me know if you're not in UK.
Some of the info in thread may be specific to UK.
Help Needed! Have I got Pernicious Anaemia?
I'm not a health professional.
Yes, you want to be above 550 from what I've gleaned, to be average functioning human. "The vitamin B12 standard reference range is 200–700 pg/ml whereas the proposed optimal range is 500–1300 pg/ml "