Hello everyone. Currently have. A nurse practitioner who has ordered 5000mcg methyl cobalamin each week by the subcutaneous method,also known as SQ or SC. Some here inject as often as multiple times per day. Which method do you use and do you notice a different response to the b 12 injection of its given IM.
Only twice have I felt a tangible benefit on day of injection. I m dealing with neurological issues like ataxia (walking like I'm drunk) tremors among some other stuff.
5 weeks ago when I restarted SQ B12 injections, I had marvelous day , praise Jesus my Lord! I had about a 40 percent reduction in neuro symptoms across the board . A long awaited referral to a movement disorder has been obtained . Labs are wonky. I'll definitely be posting more questions, but for now do you find SQ or IM injections superior and please state why.
Thanks in advance for your response.