GERD/Reflux: Good day everyone. Was... - Pernicious Anaemi...

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Canadian77 profile image
31 Replies

Good day everyone. Was hoping to get some help from the great folks on here

I was given AIG diagnosis in March, I started EOD injections 6 weeks ago.

I first had muscle twitches, those improved,

4 weeks ago I started having this pain in my lower chest, feels like reflux ( I think)

I have altered my diet, cut coffee, gluten, daily, vaping and alcohol. I eat proteins, fruits and veggies now.

Eating and not eating make no barring on my symptoms. I have tried to supplement with Betaine also.

Symptoms are not going away

Please offer some assistance

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Canadian77 profile image
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31 Replies
Nackapan profile image

I had nausea and reflux but not as badly as some describe. I've not had a endoscopy.

I assume you have and are under gastroenterologists .

I had no alcohol, coffee or sweets . Spiced food a mistake .

I introduced an acidic drink towards the end of a small meal.

🍋 or lime also put cider vinegar with mother on food.

Ginger was good for nausea.

Eating last food a few hours before lying down helped .

Plain active yoghurt.

Prebiotic help some alot.

My daughter had it worse.

She still has a limited diet.

Gluten Free

Diary Free

Fructose Free

And more.

Almond milk helped her .

And a fodmap approach to finding out how to eat.

I bought symprove . Its expensive and helps alot of people .

I sent it to another forum member to try.

Didn't get on with it .

Little snd often food helps.

Posture important.

Most get lots of relief as b12 treatment continues.

HugoMinney profile image

Some thoughts :* reflux is typically because you have less acid in your stomach, not more. The valve at the top of your stomach (lower oesophagal sphincter) automatically stops strong acid from burning your oesophagus, but doesn't function correctly if it's only slightly acid even if that's acid enough to cause you pain. Are you taking any medication to reduce acid? Are you feeling the reflux because your nerves now work, whereas you had it before but didn't feel it?

* diet sounds good - are you taking B12? Might be easiest to take one-a-day multivitamin multimineral tablets to round out other possible nutrition deficiency

Canadian77 profile image
Canadian77 in reply to HugoMinney

Hi. Thank you. I am not taking any acid meds, I take betaine acid with some meals. On my scope results, they said no gerd

I am injection b12 now every other day

Myoldcat profile image
Myoldcat in reply to Canadian77

Hi, I feel for you - these gastric symptoms aren't pleasant. I've had two bad flares since starting regular B12 injections in December and lost 10lbs on a porridge and soup regime 😕 Currently things are pretty settled. I've come to the conclusion it's the nerves regenerating as they do in other parts of the body...hopefully🤞 Following the advice re kefir, prebiotics, healing digestive herbs and bitters really helped me. Plus ginger tea with manuka honey and ginger chews from the health shop, and Apple Cider Vinegar gummies after a meal. Hope it calms down for you soon.

wedgewood profile image

It’s early days yet , on your journey .

Do you supplement with a modest daily folate ( vitamin B 9 ) tablet , say 400 mcg? It works together with B12 . AIG upsets the stomach flora , causing pain ,and bloating . Bad bacteria takes over . Good bacteria in the shape of kefir , real yogurt etc can help . Also have smaller meals more often Chew food throughly allowing the enzymes in saliva to start the breaking down process . You are lacking in stomach acid ( and Intrinsic factor ) due to your diagnosis. So taking an acidic drink with protein meals could help .

Perhaps your gastroenterologist could suggest a diet for Achlorhydria or Hypochlorhydria.

Best wishes .

Canadian77 profile image
Canadian77 in reply to wedgewood

Thank you, yes I do take a 5mg of folic acid daily.

Wheat profile image

hello Canadian 77, I had reflux which drs prescribed as too much acid.

Big mistake was low stomach acid causing severe chest pain, betaine hcl stopped working after a while.

Now gastritis (probably autoimmune), achlorhydria and use lime juice for breakfast, apple cider vinegar before meals. Sometimes after meals as well.

The main point I only get symptoms of reflux with Dairy, even lactose free..

Best wishes, x

wedgewood profile image
wedgewood in reply to Wheat

How much do you dilute the apple cider vinegar ? Do you use the Organic with mother ?

Wheat profile image
Wheat in reply to wedgewood

Hello wedgewood, yes raw organic with mother.

Always dilute otherwise so acidic could not tolerate it. So sharp literally takes my breath away unless diluted enough; also diluted so do not damage teeth and oesophagus.

I dilute 1 tablespoon to approximately 3/4 to 1inch.


wedgewood profile image
wedgewood in reply to Wheat

Thank you Wheat. 👍

Canadian77 profile image
Canadian77 in reply to Wheat

How much water for 1 tablespoon ?

Canadian77 profile image
Canadian77 in reply to Wheat

Thank you. Are you concerned that the lime and apple cider with irritate the esophagus further?

So yours got better? How long did it take?

Wheat profile image
Wheat in reply to Canadian77

No, for me its never got better, worsened, believe its autoimmune gastriris and achlorhydria. Have a handful of autoimmune conditions.

When no stomach acid I have to eat less and up acv intake. When gastritis liquids only, for 24hours so stomach has a chance to 'recover'.

Best wishes, x

Canadian77 profile image
Canadian77 in reply to Wheat

Do you inject B12?

Wheat profile image
Wheat in reply to Canadian77

Yes, I inject,, as sprays. oral tablets and diet (when I was eating ok) did not work. x

ReallyWondering profile image

I have autoimmune atrophic gastritis, which means I have low acid production due anti-parietal cells. I also have pernicious anemia. Is this what you have? I had terrible heartburn for 6 months with pain in my sternum area, prior to diagnosis 6 months ago. A low acid diet was not helpful, I was originally diagnosed with GERD. The only thing that worked was weekly B12 injections and Heartburn TX, as needed. It took weeks of treatment before I noticed a difference.

Canadian77 profile image
Canadian77 in reply to ReallyWondering

Hello, Yes I was diagnosed with autoimmune atrophic gastritis, they did not indicate PA

What kind of heartburn Tx do you take?

So the B12 injections made you better then?

ReallyWondering profile image
ReallyWondering in reply to Canadian77

It's not clear to me what exactly fixed it. This is what changed after the diagnosis: I stopped the gerd diet and now eat whatever I want and drink alcohol on the weekends. I take B12 shots at least once a week, twice a week when I have a cold. I take iron (ferrous sulfate) twice a day along with vitamin C (I was also diagnosed with low ferritin a month into treatment) with breakfast & dinner, I also take a super b-complex and probiotic every day. The heartburn took several weeks to get better, but a month in I started taking the Heatburn TX (whenever I felt it coming on) which I found on one of these internet groups. It really does work for me. Expensive, but now I rarely need it. My doctors were no help at all with this, telling me to take anti-acids which is ridiculous as we have little or no stomach acid. So far, I have no other stomach issues.

My PA diagnosis came from the low B12 (63), pins and needles in my feet, and positive for intrinsic factor and parietal cell antibodies. You should have these tests done, as well. Good luck!

Heartburn TX
Canadian77 profile image
Canadian77 in reply to ReallyWondering

Wow. You eat whatever and digest fine?

I will try the supplement, it's expensive though

When did you notice the heartburn being worse?

ReallyWondering profile image
ReallyWondering in reply to Canadian77

Yes, I even eat spicy stuff. At least for now. My heartburn was on and off for six years prior to diagnosis. Every day for six months prior. It was awful! Nothing helped, PPis, H2 blockers. Gaviscon seemed to help temporarily. But it got gradually better as I started injecting and taking the other stuff. It’s worth it if it works. I spent way more on stuff that didn’t work.

Canadian77 profile image
Canadian77 in reply to ReallyWondering

Thank you for your help, appreciate it very much

Canadian77 profile image
Canadian77 in reply to ReallyWondering

Did you notice it was worse when not eating, on empty stomach?

ReallyWondering profile image
ReallyWondering in reply to Canadian77

Yes, it did seem to be worse then. I always thought that was strange.

Canadian77 profile image
Canadian77 in reply to ReallyWondering

Similar for me. I have been doing Intermittent fasting for 7 years but now having to alter that

Have you used Betaine?

Do your parents/parent have this, is there family history on your end

ReallyWondering profile image
ReallyWondering in reply to Canadian77

I have not. Since the Heartburn TX has been working and I rarely get it anymore, I have not been looking to add anything else to my regimen. I feel lucky compared to many with this disease, I'm just hoping it stays that way. My mother had thyroid disease (I also have Hashimoto's) and could possibly have had this too, but she passed away from lung cancer 6 years ago. But she was never very healthy. My father also passed away with a heart attack around the same time, but I don't don't think he had it. It's hard to know for sure because most doctors know very little about it. I've gotten much better advice online than from them.

Canadian77 profile image
Canadian77 in reply to ReallyWondering

How often do you inject B12?

Do you take this Tx when you have heartburn only?

ReallyWondering profile image
ReallyWondering in reply to Canadian77

Weekly, unless I'm sick with a virus, then I inject twice a week. This has been working for me and you can't overdose on B12 with these doses. Some inject daily. Yes, I only take 1 teaspoon when I start to feel heartburn. In the beginning I would take a second teaspoon if the first one didn't work. The directions say 2-3 teaspoons daily as needed. The person who told me about this on facebook said she took it every night before bed. It's harmless as the main ingredient is zinc. I asked my GI doctor about it and she said it was fine to take, but was skeptical. But she also told me to take antacids, which I know is incorrect, and they did not help and probably made things worse.

Canadian77 profile image
Canadian77 in reply to ReallyWondering

Thank you. I hope this works for me

JHEW0836 profile image

Hi Canadian 77–I had horrible reflux after having COVID in December 2021. I think COVID attacked my digestive system instead of my lungs and wiped out my stomach acid (which must have been borderline low to begin with). GI specialist was of no help whatsoever and made me worse and then I ended up with low B12 from it all.

It has taken me over 2 years to start healing my gut. What has worked for my reflux and low stomach acid is B12 injections, probiotic, and digestive enzymes. I also take D3 and a mineral supplement. I avoid gluten and most dairy foods (except cheese). No alcohol. I drink ginger tea with honey every night after dinner to aid in digestion and I don’t lay flat when I sleep. Also wait 3-4 hours after eating dinner before going to bed. I am so much better than I was but it has taken a long time to get here.

SuperhydroIM profile image

I got rid of my reflux which was killing my sleep and sanity with canivore diet. Before I could not breath at night because of the reflux going up of my esophagus. Heart rate was through the roof and I could not breath. It was a nightmare. I thought this is the end. Now I rarely wake up at night maybe once a week to take a pee and sleep like a baby. I also do omad(one meal a day) and every Sunday I fast for 48 hours. Life has never been so good.

Canadian77 profile image
Canadian77 in reply to SuperhydroIM

Hi thanks. I've been considering this options also

What is your diagnosis? Do you have PA, autoimmune atrophic gastritis?

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