Hi, I've had one Intrinsic factor test before which came in under range. I know its a test that can take a few times to show up.pisitive & kick myself for not trying it again before this loading dose. Was concerned at asking for tests for other things & forgot about this...appreciate any thoughts & would like to.understand if you can't check after supplementing then why? Many thanks...
Hi, I'm sure it's been answered befor... - Pernicious Anaemi...
Hi, I'm sure it's been answered before,but can't seem to locate...is it OK to test for I.Factor after loading doses please? If not why?

It's hard to know when the optimal time is for IFAB. My GP did it 3 months after loading doses began. It was negative but I'm on B12 for life anyway.
Thank you, so your Dr felt it OK to do the test after starting b12 then. I've been reading mixed answers & getting confused! I'll prob be paying for the test, so didn't want to wasted koney doing at wrong time or if the result is not going to be considered accurate. Many thanks...
I'm under the impression that once your IF has gone, it's gone. Our stomachs can no longer produce it. Someone correct me if I'm wrong.
Your Dr is right. If you're B12 deficient and symptomatic, then treatment is more important than joining up the dots. Treat the patient, not the numbers. You've had one test and it was negative. Had it been 'borderline' then in my lab, a repeat test might have been recommended in a few months time.
Personally, I'd leave it at that, although if you get occasional blood tests via your GP, then it might be worth considering a few months/years down the line, but personally, I wouldn't bother. Neither would I be too keen on spending my hard-earned on getting it done either! Once you're into a cycle of regular B12 injections, then an extra IFAb test that turns out to be negative just might make someone think 'Why are we giving the patient B12 injections?' and then you're in the loop that so many others are.
Good luck!
Thank you again, guess I’m just conscious of gathering evidence to support the cause, but you’re right, prob better things to spend the money on! Surely dont want to make evidence against myself!
Was told yday I’m on 3 monthly jabs,.They know the neurological symptoms had got pretty severe, so I was hoping for at least 2 monthly,then finding my own way inbetween if necessary! I was monthly previously, I know lucky to get, but it was a battle, & still symptoms returned inbetween.! Off to print out the NICE guidelines I guess , at least I’ve got over 4 wks to do it b4 the first available apptment!

The test can give false positives if done two close to a B12 shot - how close depends on the exact test method - could be 2 weeks or as little as 48 hours.