Psychiatric symptoms of PA: Have any of... - Pernicious Anaemi...

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Psychiatric symptoms of PA

Jjjmmm profile image
23 Replies

Have any of you found a correlation in psychiatric symptoms such as anxiety, depression , ocd etc improving with an increase of B12 injections.

These symptoms for me used to come following. Or in conjunction with the nerve pain tingling and so on .

Now, I find that although

My other physical symptoms have improved a little . My anxiety remains or at least seems more pronounced

Do you think increasing my dose / going back to a loading dose would help?

What other things do you do for psych symptoms regarding exercise other supplements etc .

Thank you

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Jjjmmm profile image
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23 Replies
charks profile image

I had extreme paranoia and was a very nasty irritable anxious person. I quickly returned to normal on B12. Interesting when I stopped B12 because my GP told me my levels were too high the paranoia was one of the first symptoms to come back.

I think you probably need more B12 to get back to normal and stay there.

Jjjmmm profile image
Jjjmmm in reply to charks

Thanks for your response

OldmanD profile image

Massive improvements. . . . . . Zero, no silly flight or fight an havnt had for a few years . . . . .

Jjjmmm profile image
Jjjmmm in reply to OldmanD

Thank you

wedgewood profile image

My anxiety , brain fog ,depression and giddiness all disappeared after loading doses , but started to return well before the prescribed 3 monthly dose .But GP would not give me an injection .before that time , because too much b12 was “toxic” . So I had to turn to self-injecting. ( Once weekly) Those named symptoms disappeared , and have not returned .Unfortunately the burning feet are still burning and painful , so irreversible. .

Yes , increase your dose . Do take a modest folic acid tablet 400mcg daily . Best wishes .

Jjjmmm profile image
Jjjmmm in reply to wedgewood

Thank you

brenanddave profile image
brenanddave in reply to wedgewood

Hi wedgewood, Sorry to jump in here. My feet and hands have been keeping me up at night untill someone told me to put my feet in really cold water for about 10min then rub vicks on them and fluffy socks and I was sleeping like a baby.

wedgewood profile image
wedgewood in reply to brenanddave

Thanks for the information brenanddave . I will try anything . But my burning feet are the same 24/7 . Do not feel hot to the touch . Look perfectly normal . Also feel as though I’m wearing socks or shoes at least one size too small 😢! Also were originally totally numb . Numbness went away after b12 injections , and left me with the burning

That’s 10 years ago now .

Beadbuddy profile image
Beadbuddy in reply to wedgewood

I have burning feet but was diagnosed with Erythromelalgia which is a rare condition causing redness in hands, feet and sometimes arms,legs, ears and feet

wedgewood profile image
wedgewood in reply to Beadbuddy

My feet are not red or swollen . They are the same day and night. Thanks for the information though .

brenanddave profile image
brenanddave in reply to wedgewood

Yes! Mine are not red or swollen but ache mostly at night and lesser during the day but at present they must be healing because it was keeping me up until I discovered that method. It works so I can then sleep. I hope this is not with me also for life as it is a year on and I am injecting sometimes 2x 1.5 B12 x All the best

Orchard33 profile image

Anxiety and depression both improved with frequent B12. Got even better after a ferritin infusion. Deficiency has a whole body/mind impact.

Sleepybunny profile image


I had a massive improvement in mental health when I finally started B12 treatment.

Articles about B12 deficiency and Mental Health

Cherylclaire profile image
CherylclaireForum Support

I think the first good thing is that you recognise that this is not you.

Anxiety, irritability, depression, paranoia, mood swings, cognitive issues - all of these can be B12 deficiency symptoms, and all can become isolating. It is especially unhelpful that GPs aren't taught to expect any of these symptoms which can leave them trying to treat these as separate issues.

It can be difficult, when really ill, to refuse antidepressants, even when you know that this is really a part of the same thing that has made you exhausted or stopped your legs from being able to walk properly. It is also frustrating for a GP who truly believes that this is what you need !

I refused antidepressants three times, insisting that the source was physical. Eventually, it became clear that I "only" had the one thing wrong and this is now being treated (by me) at a frequency that will prevent a return of all of the above and more ! (Mostly). The NHS maintenance dose was not nearly able to do it's one job, not for me.

A extra-busy week or an illness, though, can mean symptoms return quicker than usual, and a temporary adjustment usually works. Any set-backs have been nothing to worry about long-term but this is not a cure. Just management.

This has been my experience. Others may have had more of a struggle to gain control over symptoms or found some that remain a problem. This might be due to severity of the deficiency they suffered or the length of time before treatment.

Certainly research and clarification regarding this would help both patients and doctors.

nitaslenz108 profile image

Yes. Definitely linked. It only gets worse without treatment. Megaloblastic anemia causes pure madness and can only get better with frequent injections and high doses of folic or folinic acid. Stay away from anything methylated as this can make the anxiety much worse. Try joining the pernicious anaemia B12 Deficiency Support Group on Facebook. They provide a lot of good info on self treatment in the files section. Best wishes to you!

BleekerStreet profile image

I certainly have the psychiatric symptoms. Depression, anxiety, mood swings. The worst for me is the memory loss and drop in cognitive function, both speed of thought and clarity of thought. Unfortunately, though, I have been taking B12 injections for almost a year, and the symptoms are probably worse, although I can no longer remember what they were like to begin with...

brenanddave profile image

YES!! This morning I was re apologising for my sister for phychotic out bursts to her when she was living with me 4 years ago. I remember feeling paranoid angry and highly anxious. I continued struggling with anxiety after that and my doctor was constantly trying to put me on . I had been on them for years and decided to stop them. I new there was something else going on with me. Very quickly after b12 treatment my mental health repaired and I was back to my old self. I think about 1 month. If I over do things I can feel myself getting abit anxious and tired so try not to push myself too hard.

Sea-blue profile image

Hi Jjjmmm, yes huge improvement .Had been on Antidepressants for 30 years for Anxiety / OCD / phobic anxiety you name it! Well I weaned myself off and started SI when it was discovered I had PA . Haven’t needed AD since. Yes I do get minor bouts of anxiety but age and reading some really good books written by top notch psychologists has helped too. I believe I’d been suffering with PA for years but hadn’t known . There are ways you can live with chronic anxiety and having B12 was one of them . You got this

DiSews profile image

You are definitely not alone!

It didn't happen overnight, but when my B12 is adequate, my anxiety is not as easily triggered, and I can manage my PTSD much better. It is still worthwhile going easy on yourself and avoiding stressful situations if possible, at least until your limbic system rewires. Sadly, dealing with this insidious disease without adequate support from the medical fraternity is a major stress in and of itself!

WIZARD6787 profile image

I find that with more B12 that it is easier for me to do the work that results in personal growth. I do not see or define this as psychiatric improvement.

A B12 does not actually cause personal growth rather is impeeds it when I am deficient thing.

Oneash profile image

I still feel like I'm doing lots of healing, having started self injection last September. I've had some terrible mood swings and paranoia, brain caught in repeating loops over stressful situations, tied in with sinus troubles.

Things that help...

Sunshine, more than vitamin D supplements, makes a difference. This winter has been so dark and wet.

Brazil nuts, is it the selenium, are proving moreish. More than pecans and walnuts. Gentle exercise, despite my achey knees. Sleep.

Cutting out sugar and too much carbohydrate to reduce insulin swings, and replacing them with good fat for stable energy. So extra virgin olive oil and coconut oil, avocados, nuts, eggs, grass fed meat when I can, butter, lard, oily wild fish. Avoiding margarine and chemical extracted seed oils.

Reading favourite novels for escapism.

Getting out, somewhere new is good, especially in nature.

I do feel like my brain is having the neural equivalent of Stacey Solomon clearing a house!

Nackapan profile image

Hello.How long have you been having b12 injections ?

I had lots of anxiety ,paranoia, depressive like feelings early on.

Crept up.

Somehow knew this waxs part of the same thing as all of my other severe symptoms.

And often thought who wouldnt be anxious when you are feeling at times you are slowly dying / shutting down.

And noone giving you reasons for what happening to you.

I too was offered so many drugs .

Antidepressants ( which can work to dampen your nervous system and csn help migraines)

I refused them all initially as I felt dismissed and not listened to.

Actually i did trial one after a crisis 111 call as couidnt bear the pain of a migraine that had gone into my spine .


The medics had tried to get me on that for months .( had it in,untouched)

They thought it woujd give me relief.

It drugged me up for 2 days.

Then the pain started to return but with all of the side effects from the drug.

Needless to say it did not suit me and took longer to come off it than the 9 days on it .

Does suit some though as helps sleep .

My daughter got relief from this drug .

The list goes on of drugs offered .

Tried 3 in the end briefly out of ?15.

Confusing consultations when lists of drugs spewed out of medics mouths confusing me even more.

Then slow relief solely on B12 injections and otc painkillers on a rotation .

For me the heart palpitations.

Paranoid feelings

We're the first to go on every other day b12.

Anxiety / feeling of being overwhelmed can still happen.

No part history of any of this .

No other meds in the past apart from antibiotics.

Usually when there is too much going on and those around me think I'm the 'old me.'

This condition is managed over time .

Not cured.

I've developed coping strategies.

I literally 'zone put '

May be lack of concentration ??

Have to spend periods alone.

Now able to watch TV I choose repeats or slow pace programs.

Some stimuli but nothing taxing .

Some I switch off as too visually busy.

I can't read a novel at present .

Building up to that .

Love books.

Am very sociable ,talkative but have to 'ration myself '

All this takes time and is never in a linear line .

Before this condition/disease I coped with more stress than most.

Relied upon at work and in my personal life for this.

Also multitasking well.

I'm terrible at that now .

Think I can, but half done tasks then give stress .

So a steep learning curve as although so so much better and look relatively 'normal'

Aware my body is working at least 3x as hard to keep it all going .

That itself is exhausting .

Exhaustion causes anxiety .

And so it goes on....

So don't feel alone in that.

More B12 may be the answer .

Less b12 in the early days less overwhelming !

Learnt coping mechanisms

If drugs help the current symptoms use them.

If they do not work fine coping mechanisms .

Tricky .

Hope you find a way to improve more of your symptoms .

Emmers5 profile image

I definitely have anxiety and loss of coping skills. After years of treatment I ultimately settled on self injecting every 5 days. My physical symptoms were ok on injecting every 1-2 weeks but the anxiety and paranoia would return sooner. So grateful to have a dr who allowed me to try different injection frequencies. Likely saved my marriage. It’s amazing that I wasn’t institutionalized at the height of my illness - I was completely crazy. The stories I could tell…

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