Today marks the 75th Anniversary of Human Rights Day. This year’s theme is Freedom, Equality and Justice for All. Please remember this.
In 2010, Dr Matt Jameson Evans (Chief Medical Officer) and an entrepreneur, Jorge Armanet founded HealthUnlocked. They wished to reshape how data and information are used. The aim is to support people with diseases, illnesses and health conditions. They want to empower people, patients, carers and families online and for them to be more involved with their care and treatment.
In 2017, HealthUnlocked partnered with Patients Know Best which was founded by Dr Mohammad Al-Ubaydli. He is also the Chief Executive Officer and Dr Richard Smith is Chair. The aim of Patients Know Best is putting patients in control of their own medical records. If you are U.K. based then you may be aware of Alan Bates, a Post Master, who campaigned for 20 years due to a very serious Computer Glitch. Many of his colleagues, lost tens of thousands of pounds, were accused of Financial Fraud, received and served Prison Sentences.
As a Computer Scientist, I have been advising people to keep paper copies and start putting information in a file for a particular reason. Dr Mohammad Al-Ubaydli and Dr Richard Smith also want you to be in control of your records. It is quite simple, Computers crash, they have errors and by you having your medical records, you can tell any Health Professional :-
Your Medical History,
Operations and
You can start reading and understanding medical terminology. You can start understanding why your doctors ordered certain tests and investigations.
Now, without the above Doctors’ work, we would not be communicating. Doctors are Human too. Yes, some have massive egos but so do some footballers, bankers, Pop Stars, Political Leaders, I could go on. Not all though. Recently, somebody brought up COVID-19, we have never had a Pandemic since 1918-1919; it was influenza. Please pause a moment for those working as Frontline Staff who died of COVID-19. These are the faces of the U.K. based doctors.
On a personal note, today, 48 years ago, a G.P., studying anaesthetics took his own life. He was my biological father. I was 2 years of age. As a teenager, I read all his medical books. My siblings do not have Coeliac Disease nor P.A. So, I strongly suspect, a 27 years old man was trying to juggle his work, studies, his relationship, home and his 2 young children, my older sister was 5, whilst living with 2 serious illnesses which cause severe physical pain and fatigue.
Please note that doctors and nurses are at risk of suicide because of the pressures of their job. As a community can be just be a little kinder to them ? They have no idea what our symptoms are like but not many of us know what it is like to be a doctor. This really does encompass Equality.