I’m just wondering - i often read on this wonderful forum re making sure we don’t take too much folic acid. What about all of the food fortified with it , especially wheat/baked goods. Wouldn’t that increase our daily levels? And i’ve read that synthetic folic acid can be toxic to people with methylation issues - while natural folate is ok. Went down some methylation rabbit holes - seems a very complex topic. Thoughts?
Foods fortified with folic acid - Pernicious Anaemi...
Foods fortified with folic acid

Yes we will benefit from fortified foods.If only taking 200- 400mcg in a seperate supplement this is not a concern.
Well not for me .
thanks Nackapan had found one of the articles i was referring to earlier, placing here for interest. nutraingredients.com/Articl...
I personally would never trust anything the government wants to do that supposedly would benefit us. Since when did we ever matter.
Classic oxymoron: "I'm from the Government and I'm here to help you."
If we don't want to be auto-dosed with folate by the Whitehall Brigade of Fascists, stick with Wholemeal bread [which I think might be exempt] or even better, bake your own wholemeal bread. Then after a while you can become a sourdough bore [Like me?????]
Wholemeal is indeed exempt. (The logic seems to be that white flour needs things added back to provide a broadly similar nutritional content to wholemeal!)
Other ways of avoiding include using non-wheat flours. I always use some rye. Often some mixed whole seeds/grains. Am currently experimenting with fava bean flour.
I continue to experiment with different flours in bread making. Ancient wheat varieties are fascinating, and providing you don't want a spectacular rise can be tasty too. Fava bean flour? You've convinced me that I need yet another flour in the cupboard!
thank you so much folks! Yes I've been trying to only buy organic products when I can which I believe are exempt - especially wheat/bread (I'm in Canada). But yes I do believe this fortification of foods with certain b vitamins, which can help with some issues (neural defects etc) - has a negative flip side - perhaps only for a sliver of society - but I wonder if it's being studied thoroughly.