Help needed with app: Can anyone help... - Pernicious Anaemi...

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Help needed with app

37 Replies

Can anyone help please !

Having to go private for my partner, informed surgery and they have sent email confirming this, but it wont download saying I need a certain app.

We are both on the thick side regarding computers (wrong generation )

I dont know if I should now study for a medical and computer degree lol

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37 Replies
helvella profile image

It would help if we knew what device you are using (laptop, phone, tablet), whether it is Microsoft, Google Android or Apple. And what app does it tell you that you need?

in reply to helvella

Samsung tablet google

Sorry my partners crying in pain !

It doesn't say an app

helvella profile image
helvella in reply to

That will be running Google Android (with some Samsung bits).

And the message you get?

in reply to helvella

It just says you can find one on play store

in reply to helvella

I clicked on the link and it says for NHS only !!!

helvella profile image
helvella in reply to

That is not very helpful of it!

Is there anything else displayed as you do this? Like the last few characters of a file name (after a full stop).

I am hoping someone else has gone through this because trying to diagnose remotely is as difficult for a phone/tablet as for human health!

Cariad-y-Mor profile image
Cariad-y-Mor in reply to

I have a Samsung tablet too Hidden . If you can see the e-mail in your inbox but can't download it.....have you tried either saving it or copying it to your own files.? To try this press down hard on the e-mail icon ans it should give you the options. Don't know if this will help. 🦋

in reply to Cariad-y-Mor

Thanks for you reply, just tried as you said, still no joy. Spoke to the surgery and now going to post it.

If life isn't difficult enough without the added pressures of modern technology !

Thanks again

Cariad-y-Mor profile image
Cariad-y-Mor in reply to

Sorry it didn't work for you @Sallyannl.......wonders of modern technology.....NOT. 🤣. Hope you manage to get your hubby's appointment sorted out. 🦋

in reply to Cariad-y-Mor

Yes thankyou, (where money is concerned it TALKS!) Private on Wednesday. I wish I hadn't seen price lists !

Cariad-y-Mor profile image
Cariad-y-Mor in reply to

Good luck on Wednesday then Hidden .🦋

in reply to Cariad-y-Mor

Changed to friday ! But thanks so much for you help

in reply to

Appointment friday ...... just seen date 1st april"April fools day" ..... hope to god that "a fool and his money are not parted "

They do say too negatives make a positive,

So fingers crossed.

🤞 😂😂😂

jonnylongton profile image
jonnylongton in reply to

hope all goes well for you Sally x


Narwhal10 profile image

Yes, hard copies always of things so you can put in a ring binder file. I hope the appointment goes well, proper pain meds. Yes, the price lists can be steep but I’ve had 2 great private doctors.

in reply to Narwhal10

The one thing we really need is a MRI scan, we can then go from there. So far we have had numerous different reasons for his severe nerve pain. Having a scan will hopefully show the problem. Six months and no help what's so ever. Just a wait and see..... but not when your in pain ! RSPCA wouldn't let animals suffer like the nhs has done.

Narwhal10 profile image
Narwhal10 in reply to

It is appalling. Nobody should be left in severe pain. Yes, I feel animals get treated better. I do hope MRI shows up results.

I too was left in severe pain.

5 times, over 6 months, I rang for amitriptyline for trigeminal neuralgia (facial pain) denied each time. Rang out of hours GP on a Saturday night, went for my B12 injection and practitioner noted I’d rung out of hours - oh ,yes let’s sort that out for you. Bit late 😬

in reply to Narwhal10

I can understand the pressures the NHS are under at the moment, and I do sympathise I certainly wouldn't want to be in there position. At the same time when someone is in severe pain there really should be more help one way or another.When ambulances as is our case arrived six and half hours later 2.30 in the morning and said you are better of at home. Found out 23 ambulances were waiting at the hospital to off load. What can you do. But at least he left a message for the Doctors, who were a bit miffed by the reaction I got when we actually got to see them. If one has to wait six months for physio, then if that doesn't work another three to six months for a specialist is any wonder tempers become fraid.

Six months wait for amitriptyline .... wow

You can understand people living with severe pain

Doing stupid things !

Narwhal10 profile image
Narwhal10 in reply to

Yes the NHS is under huge pressure and it is totally understandable with ambulances.

The first doctor I spoke to prescribed antibiotics and a nasal spray as I had had sinusitis 3 months ago. No, I haven’t got a woolly head or anything like that.

They did comment on my accuracy of description, time, type, pain score. I ended the conversation with ‘I’m glad to be out of the NHS’ 😉

in reply to Narwhal10

As long as you are feeling better !

I am just praying that going private will enable my partner to walk again. I have searched the internet and the only thing I can come across is piriformis syndrome which a sports physio came out last sunday suggested.

Narwhal10 profile image
Narwhal10 in reply to

I really hope so too. It would be lovely if he was pain free and able to walk.

How are you ? Sorry to hear about your back. Ouch.

I googled piriformis syndrome and it sounds very painful and limiting. Physiotherapists and chiropractors are very knowledgeable in biomechanics (how the body moves) and it is individual care.

Everything is crossed for you both and that you find out what’s what plus treatment is readily available and cheap.

in reply to Narwhal10

Not cheap, over £200 just to see specialist for 20minutes... we are in the wrong profession! Worth it to be able to live a normalish life.

(you notice I said normalish !!).

His son couldn't believe it. About 17 years ago it was £135.00 .. and sometimes you wouldn't be in there more than ten minutes !.

It will be interesting to know what or if he mentions B12 Injection, this is on the referral.

jonnylongton profile image

It might want you to download Adobe acrobat reader. It is free , that is what i use to read my downloaded documents, or sometimes you have to do it and use microsoft office and use microsoft word to open, hope this is some help to you

in reply to jonnylongton

I can download all other communications not this one !

jonnylongton profile image
jonnylongton in reply to

sorry i couldnt be of any help to you, i hope you get it sorted soon . take care

deniseinmilden profile image

How are you getting on?Thinking of you and sending you strength. X

in reply to deniseinmilden

Unfortunately I have pulled muscle in Lower back doing the shopping. My fault shouldn't lift heavy bags !

The other half needs drainbrain at the moment, really constipated due to medication etc. We have some rods but not a good idea ! Never ever been on medication until now (have been very lucky up until now)

We are going private his son is now arranging it, he phoned this morning and looks like it's all changed again !

Hope you are well and enjoying your walks along the beach !

deniseinmilden profile image
deniseinmilden in reply to

Oh goodness, you poor girl - it's one thing after another for you at the moment! I hope things get sorted out soon for you because it's all so wearing and hard work when you already have a job to manage just being alive on a day to day basis. I so feel for you! xx

in reply to deniseinmilden

Well I am not crying yet !Got the post this morning, invoice for cancelled appointment !!!

Then a letter saying due to unforeseen circumstances your appointment cancelled !

If it doesn't rain it pours.


Still smiling !!!!


deniseinmilden profile image
deniseinmilden in reply to

Oh no!! Just when you think "it must get better soon..."!

I hope it does! Very soon. XXX

in reply to deniseinmilden

New appointment a week thursday. Has had maximum dose of laxative still no movement. What doesn't help he is unable to walk at the moment due to pain ... he has deffinately got nerve damage and pins and needles when he is in a certain position, so he is far more comfortable in bed. It will be just a relief to find out what is going on. Something pressing on the nerve ? Will have to wait and take each day the best we can.

deniseinmilden profile image
deniseinmilden in reply to

My Aunt who I care for has been in exactly the same situation. She cracked her pelvis at the front, just as she was recovering from a broken and therefore replacement hip. It wasn't too bad for a couple of weeks and started to heal and then suddenly her OK hip became really painful. Co-codamol was prescribed by her GP and that caused constipation that was a worse problem than the breaks and the pain!Fixed it in the end by stopping the meds and getting her to drink lots.

I got her some Complan to stop her from fading away altogether. That way we could stop adding anything more of substance to her guts but with that and milk and lots of juice, etc, still get her a useful range of nutrients into her. I did encourage her to "walk" as much as possible, allowing for the pain and the total exhaustion. Once she could could manage to get across her room a couple of times as well things did finally start to shift.

A couple of weeks on and she has started going out for walks! Once the constipation improved the rest has almost fallen into place and she's now eating reasonably well again.

I'm not experienced in constipation so I can't offer you any advice.

I wondered about magnesium - that normally works when people don't want it to!

The lactulose was horrible apparently. I'm glad I'm lactose intolerant so I don't get given it. I know it only works if you drink lots and lots of extra fluid with it. Otherwise it just makes you dehydrated. 😔

One terrible thing after another.

Oh, and my Aunt got to 82 without ever being ill or in pain so it's come hard like that too!

Sending you big hug! xx

in reply to deniseinmilden

Many thanks, making sure he drinks loads, like you I cant have lactose. He did cut back on meds yesterday hoping this might help. That's the downside of medications.

deniseinmilden profile image
deniseinmilden in reply to

You could try some mango if he likes it and wants to eat something.

That's pretty effective with me! 👀😂

Narwhal10 profile image
Narwhal10 in reply to

Glycerine suppository as a mere suggestion for constipation ? x

in reply to Narwhal10

Ha ha it's on the move !!


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