Having Ear pressure, tinnitus, loud n... - Pernicious Anaemi...

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Having Ear pressure, tinnitus, loud noise sensitivity and dizziness from last few days

psawant profile image
12 Replies

Its been two months i am injecting, did anyone have the above symptoms. And what can i do for them.

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psawant profile image
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12 Replies
CW12 profile image

I have had similar symptoms recently. They were not severe at all. But a little dizzy, ringing came and went. The dizziness is slight so have been trying to ignore and hoping it passes . I inject 1x per week

Statesideheather profile image

I had ear symptoms a few years into treatment. Vertigo, ear itching, dizziness, noise sensitivity, etc.

I used things like Epley Maneuver as exercises to combat symptoms. Also, I used a steroidal nasal inhaler, guaifenesin and pseudoephedrine. I also did ear blowing techniques , hydrogen peroxide in ears . And.. .waited. After about a year of symptoms that included nausea and full body vertigo, car sickness, etc, the symptoms abated .. I still have minor ear issues, but it's very manageable .

I inject every other day.

It seems like a different body system likes toflare on rotation. Since injecting every other day, I have had so much relief . But also makes little things more noticeable . I think of my ears as something I need to keep an eye on but is they aren't something that runs my life like they did did for many months .

Try to stay positive and do exercises for ears, if you can. Believe that it will get better❤❤❤

Nackapan profile image


Nackapan profile image

Yes. The dizziness mostly okay now.

Noise sensitivity went bit came back. Mostly when fatigued more or going into a headache. I get it with light sensitivity.

Tinnitus used to be constant.

Comes and goes now.

More when I type this or try and read.

My ears pop alot which gives relief.

Swallowing hard can help. Pinching g my ear diverts for a while.

Cawthorn physio for dizziness I still di sone. They are on li e

Really help with balance and dizziness.

I had my ears checked by Gp. Best ti get them checked. I thought ? build up of wax si much pressure and noise . Not that I've ever had that. They were clear.

So odd si many of us get this. ??

Virtigo right at the start. Epley manoeuvre worked.

Hopefully it will resolve for you. Hope other things are improving

Retteacher profile image

My husband says that it sounds as if you may have a minor middle ear infection with a blockage of your eustachian tube. See your doctor especially if you are about to fly ie avoid pressure changes. It may clear up on its own. We must try not to attribute everything to B12 deficiency and certainly not to blame injections. Take care.

Litatamon profile image
Litatamon in reply to Retteacher

EDIT: I am wondering if I totally misread the original post. I thought the symptoms were in the time period of deficiency, not to do with injections/coming on with injections. So below might not even be remotely relevant if that is true, laughing.


They absolutely might have a Eustachian tube issue. And they should absolutely see a doctor.

However, I am dumbfounded by the number of my symptoms that were b12. Issues I never ever would have thought could be attached. I would have bet against a ton of them - truly.

A lot of time wasted. Tons of money thrown into our medical programs.

And it's not either/or in my head. It can still be an issue that is a medical condition (ie. eustachian tube disorder) but alleviated by b12. If our entire body needs this vital vitamin to function properly, no wonder making sure we have enough, for our own very specific composition, changes so many issues.


I hate that it is called a vitamin. Apparently it was called maturation factor at one point.

MaskedNinja profile image
MaskedNinja in reply to Litatamon

Its called a vitamin because you need to ingest it, alternatively the bacteria in your intestines can manufacture it (a by-product). But bacteria aren't YOU. Without them you are pretty lost for b-vitamins. Thus, taking a good probiotic can indirectly solve the problem. Even vitamin D you can't make, well not without sunlight which is indeed a nutrient, we just absorb it through our skin and not through our gut 😉

If you're on a western diet, even if you eat 'organic' or consider yourself a health fanatic, I believe we ALL should be on at least a basic supplement regimen. And I don't mean simply RDAs/NRVs! And it must be devised specifically for each individual. No point being naive and thinking you get everything just because you meet the FDAs average recommended intake for 'healthy' individuals (which means individuals who exercise, don't smoke, limit fried food and sugar/stimulant intake etc).

I know, an entirely different subject. Sometimes I'll see a comment and get an urge to rant. Obviously!

No harm/abuse intended.

Litatamon profile image
Litatamon in reply to MaskedNinja

None taken.

I do think my point was missed though. I wasn't wondering why. I simply hate that it is called a vitamin because it is not "I feel like I am getting a cold so I will pop a vitamin c" feel. It obviously is so much more than that.

I meant the seriousness is often masked by society's casual use of the word vitamin in general.

Litatamon profile image

I thought my ear issues had nothing to do with b12. Had them for over a year. The pressure was so strong and painful, it was debilitating. I too tried ear blowing techniques, was told I needed a steroid spray for life, hydrogen peroxide drops were used , machines that many had success with, and noise sensitivity. Was sent to an ENT. Was sent to a neurologist for potential trigeminal neuralgia.

After nearly two years of these symptoms EVERYTHING above disappeared during/after loading shots.

I watch these issues because I can literally feel some of them subtly trying to return. For me, it just means self-injecting more and they never make a full return.

All the best to you.

psawant profile image
psawant in reply to Litatamon

So its more or less related to b12?

Litatamon profile image
Litatamon in reply to psawant

I don't know for you. And quite frankly maybe I read too quickly and misunderstood your original post. Reading back I am wondering if you meant they suddenly came with injections, not b12 deficiency. Unsure.

But I had every symptom you had. And for nearly two years. With every remedy under the sun used. No improvement.

And during or just after loading - poof - gone - all.

Coincidence after almost two years and all those interventions? Those are big odds.

Either way hope you get some relief.

MaskedNinja profile image

Try ear candles if you've not tried them yet. Might need to try a couple of brands to find the right ones for you. My father has had his ears syringes several times but it never helped. He had dizziness too. But he gave candles a try and now he can hear a pin drop and his head is clear as day.

When your ears are out of wack all sorts of symptoms can occur making you worry about all sorts of strange syndromes and diagnosis. Your whole balance goes out of wack.

I hope it is something simple but try and rest assured that there is quite a lot they can do now for ear/hearing issues & vertigo/dizziness.

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