As I wrote in a previous post I finally after decades of suffering met with a new gastroenterologist who based on my blood results of the past 6 years came up with malabsorption herself without me telling her I've been supplementing due to obvious absorption issues going on. I asked her if she thought it could be PA and she confirmed. But she also wants to check whether something else is going on. I also really want to finally find the root cause of all this. I know it's not always a good idea to know what she's thinking/ordering cause it might get me worried. But that already happened anyway as she already brought up the Chromogranin again which was elevated 2,5 years ago (indicator for small neuro endocrine tumors in the gut) although gastro at the time (in Abu Dhabi) in his words "couldn't find anything" but omitted to include the biospy results in his report.
I know you are all not medically qualified but can anyone make some sense out of some of the ordered tests? This group has been an amazing support to me and I still have some "trust issues" with drs. Also, I have been told that all these tests will cost more than 3000 Singaporean $ (which is about 2000 US $) which I have to advance hoping that my insurance will reimburse a significant part of it. Many drs here seem to have a tendency to order as many expensive tests as possible (which never turned up anything until now).
Thanks as always for any input!