Hi all!
I was diagnosed with pernicious anaemia about ten years ago. I wasn't told much about it except that my levels were low and I needed to get them up. I was given an injection or two and then refused so I got them up with supplements and it was never mentioned again.
I've had years of mysterious symtoms and am currently being treated for lyme diease. I was posting in a support group and a member suggested I get tested for pernicious anaemia.
I started doing some research and I learned that this is an autoimmune disease and is lifelong?
Went back over my medical records but this was never recorded - just that I got injections for low B-12. I had bloods drawn recently and all my levels are normal but I have been going downhill lately.
Now I'm wondering if pernicious anaemia could be the reason I've had years of fatigue, body aches, neurological symptoms, chest pain and breathlessness!
I'm wondering if I should book into my new doctor and ask for a full work up based on this information but I'm kind of doubting myself too...
I would appreciate any experiences or advice on this. I am just new to all this...