Saw a really good Oral Medicine consultant today who spent a good hour and a half with me. I showed him my photos - tongue, throat and mouth: like the ones I posted - which he said looked like classic signs of a B12 deficiency - while angular cheilitis can also be due to a bacterial complaint (for which I was swabbed), tongues that have pie-crust edges and central depressions are telltale B12 deficiency signs. He also looked at my symptoms charts and liked them (!)
He said the only thing he dislikes is when someone tells him they've been searching on the internet, and then swamps him with vast amounts of reading matter.
Best news is that he thinks that I am finally getting better on my alternate day injection regime and is going to write to my usual GP and suggest that a very gradual reduction with close monitoring might be the next step, with injections administered by the practice. Whether they accept this and reinstate my NHS injections or not remains to be seen.
He also said that he thinks I should have IFab tests - (plural !) - to check if I have Pernicious Anaemia or not, mainly because of the Gastroenterology report that noted "patchy gastric metaplasia" and the length of my recovery time. He knows that it is unreliable and that it may come back as a false negative a couple of times before giving a positive result (95% reliable). Hopefully this suggestion will also go into his report.
I am seeing him again in 4 months.
This is the second consultant who has recognised B12 deficiency immediately - and both were mouth/throat specialists. They seem to understand far more about B12 deficiency, symptoms and treatment than haematologists, gastroenterologists and neurologist that I've seen.
It has been two years since I started self-injecting every other day and it has been during the past month that I have seen the most progress.
Very hopeful and seeing my usual GP tomorrow....