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e66-- profile image
33 Replies

The dictionary now lives by my bedside.

I used to pride myself on my spelling but now have moments of panic when I forget the simplest of words. It's worse when there's a double letter in the word. My latest conundrum was how to spell 'resurrection' on an Ester card. And I just sent my friend a card and signed it from 'your bossom pal!' Oh, the shame! Some days are worse than others. Anyone else having the spelling nightmare??

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e66-- profile image
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33 Replies
Ritchie1268 profile image


I was & am the same. Used to be able to just spell words out loud. Now when I'm unsure, I just use a spell checker etc.

Some days I struggle to find even the words in a sentence, let alone how to even spell the word I cannot think of 🤔

e66-- profile image
e66-- in reply to Ritchie1268

I wonder if it ever gets back to normal? Like you, I have been SI since xmas and I still have the mental problems! No change there then!

Ritchie1268 profile image
Ritchie1268 in reply to e66--

Let's hope so 👍

deniseinmilden profile image

Try STARTING with dyslexia and THEN getting worse - but still being anal about wanting to get it right - if not more so because the B12d means you can't cope with anything you don't recognise so you become slightly autistic/OCD!

Nightmare!!! 😁 😁 😁

Over time I'd developed an extensive vocabulary because if I couldn't spell something I'd just use different words instead! The decreased cognitive function meant I couldn't remember the words at all, let alone how to spell them!

I promise you if you have enough B12 and supporting supplements it does get better. Four years on most of my vocabulary is back, I'm learning new words and once again I'm just a "normal", frustrated, pedantic dyslexic!!!

wedgewood profile image
wedgewood in reply to deniseinmilden

I always enjoy your posts ! Always great , informative and humorous! Thanks !

deniseinmilden profile image
deniseinmilden in reply to wedgewood


e66-- profile image
e66-- in reply to deniseinmilden

Denise, you are so brilliant, you always cheer me up and make me laugh my head off! I think laughing is the only way to go.

So what if we are a bit eccentric and idiosyncratic ( I had to look that one up!).

At least we're not boring! x

deniseinmilden profile image
deniseinmilden in reply to e66--

Me??? Idiosyncratic?? Never - leastways, not if I haven't got predictive text! 😁

But maybe the easy ones to spell in the list of "distinctive, individual, characteristic, distinct, distinguishing, peculiar, individualistic, different, typical, special, specific, representative, unique, personal, private, essential; eccentric, unconventional, uncommon, abnormal, irregular, aberrant, anomalous, odd, off-centre, quirky, queer, strange, weird, bizarre, outlandish, freakish, extraordinary".

Odd. I can spell "odd"!

I might try "wierd" so long as it doesn't accidentally come out as "wired"!!

I spent 20 to 30 years struggling with bits of me not working and being told I was wierd - and then I discovered I wasn't wierd: I was just B12 deficient!!

e66-- profile image
e66-- in reply to deniseinmilden

Denise you are a wonderful fruit and nut case. And if you ever get bored with what you're doing I think you should chuck it all in and become a writer as you are extremely entertaining and uplifting and add endless light to what could be an ongoing saga of 'Les Miserables' proportions! I always look forward to your posts, keep up the good work! x

deniseinmilden profile image
deniseinmilden in reply to e66--

Wow, thank you - that's very kind.

Ritchie1268 profile image
Ritchie1268 in reply to deniseinmilden

Yes deniseinmilden you really are truly "wired" 😉😁😁

Ritchie1268 profile image
Ritchie1268 in reply to e66--


I also had to just look that up to make sure I spelt it right. But I'm Derbyshire born & bred so that's my excuse as I call a "horse" an "Os" & a "house" an "ass" so I've got NO chance "Me ode duck" 😂

Ritchie1268 profile image
Ritchie1268 in reply to deniseinmilden

I too love your posts but, you forgot one thing to add on to the " frustrated, pedantic, dyslexic" you forgot what most dr's think we are - Hypocondriacs 🤣🤣🤣

e66-- profile image
e66-- in reply to Ritchie1268

I think I hate that word more than any others in the English language,and yet we all seem to have had it thrown our way at one time or another. Still, at least I can spell that one!

Ritchie1268 profile image
Ritchie1268 in reply to e66--

I know what you mean. Not sure if I spelt it right as I didn't check but, it's exactly how I felt before I was diagnosed.

Janma123 profile image

My hubby has a problem with numbers! Was always good with numbers and arithmetic but now has to pick a starting point and count up - gets there in the end!

e66-- profile image
e66-- in reply to Janma123

Also am getting the slow with numbers thing. Sometimes I fall asleep whilst making myself recite the times tables, just like I did when I was in junior school. All I need now is a dunce hat! With all the extra mental effort we have to put in we will probably end up with the sharpest of brains in later years. Here's hoping x

Hanneke12 profile image

Yep, me too. Getting afraid people at work will stop taking me seriously (I work as a communication scientist...)!

e66-- profile image
e66-- in reply to Hanneke12

Wow, how amazing! The fact that you are doing such a good job and surviving is a testament to just how bloody minded and stubborn we all are in our refusal to let this illness rule our lives. We also become rather astute actors and bluffers and rather good at pretending to be awake when inside we are half-asleep! We are surely tested again and again but having to keep enduring against all these odds must at least be very character building, if not a little knackering!! x

deniseinmilden profile image
deniseinmilden in reply to Hanneke12

Oh wow - really??? I thought I had it hard sometimes! Good luck with getting enough B12, etc, ASAP!

Hanneke12 profile image
Hanneke12 in reply to deniseinmilden

You guys are a warm bath! Thank you for the recognition! <3

Ashweb901 profile image
Ashweb901 in reply to Hanneke12

Yes, Hannah, when my estrogen bottomed out my memory was exceptionally bad and I’m a writer and project manager. It was embarrassing and scary.

Hanneke12 profile image
Hanneke12 in reply to Ashweb901

Yes, and the worst thing (that I read many have experienced here on this forum) is when your GP slowly starts to take you less seriously. That really got to me. You know, when you notice that you started doubting yourself..... Of course, after a while I stood up for myself and had research done myself. I now have a different GP ;-)

Hope we all will get clear minds again soon!!!

Ashweb901 profile image
Ashweb901 in reply to Hanneke12

When I was diagnosed with breast cancer at my oncologist agreed to refer me to a hematologist, who just so happens to have worked in Britain and also in south Africa so she knows better, but she is sticking to her guns to not test my MMA. I told her I would get my MMA test done elsewhere and she has now asked me twice to be sure to share the results with her! What?!

Hanneke12 profile image
Hanneke12 in reply to Ashweb901

Crazy. I had to fly to Istanbul to get the proper research...

Ritchie1268 profile image
Ritchie1268 in reply to Ashweb901

I used to be an operations manager over 300 people with a budget of £6 million per yr.

My god!! 😁😁

Ashweb901 profile image

I can relate, in that proper nouns disappear and take way too long to retrieve. And I’m bad at verbally summarizing. It’s real, and it’s not just that I’m 50 years old and menopausal. However, like many of you, my Dr. refuses to believe there’s anything awry except my chronically low white cells, which she says she may have to do a bone marrow biopsy for but she won’t run an MMA test bc they have “an agreement with the lab” that they won’t order MMA on anyone unless serum B12 is less than 300. Well, I’m not gonna let mine get that low bc I’ll be way more symptomatic!

Oh my gosh, it's a relief to know I'm not alone. I have always been able to spell almost any word in the English language, whether I'd ever seen it or not. Effortlessly!! Now the simplest words are a mystery to me. Double consonants are a nightmare, but so are letters that sound the same, like "f" and "gh". I use Grammarly and it helps a lot when I'm on the computer. On my phone is a different story, and I've been embarrassed too many times to count. (O.K., I just misspelled "embarrassed" and "Grammarly" - and Grammarly caught both for me! Gaaaah! I hate this!)


Hanneke12 profile image
Hanneke12 in reply to Dopey-Grumpy-Sleepy

You are not alone... I felt totaly stupid at times. But now I know: it's not our fault.

spacey1 profile image

I'm sure I used to be quite bright. I could think, speak in effortless sentences and name objects without resorting to describing or miming them :)

I just don't feel my thinking is 'crisp' and I can't remember things I'm sure I should. Thank goodness for lists! And thank goodness for you other B12-deficient menopausal people out there. It's so reassuring that it's not just me!

e66-- profile image
e66-- in reply to spacey1

But I bet you still hold it all together! x

spacey1 profile image
spacey1 in reply to e66--

Some days are better than others :)

Ashweb901 profile image
Ashweb901 in reply to spacey1

Thank you!! This is one of the most important topics to me. To have my concerns about my cognitive function dismissed as “that’s just part of midlife as a female,” while I know that I could definitely be functioning better — it’s not “just” low estrogen, tho I’m sure it doesn’t help — and my vocabulary difficulties are not just garden variety’s just preposterous! And for the hematologist to be so interested in my scores but she won’t order the test?! Bananas.

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