Hello again all.
I've got Martyn Hooper's books plus some others I've downloaded onto my Kindle app.
I've got such a lot going on personally at the moment though it's just as & when I get the chance to read & do research on the B12 & Folate deficiency along with Pernicious Anemia I have. Along with looking for answers from you lovely people on here.
Many years ago I was told I had IBS after having cameras inserted in any & every orifice. But, it has seemed to dwindle over the years & I don't really suffer with it much now. It was also questioned whether I had Chron's desease as my mum has sufferered from this for many years, but it was never confirmed.
I would also suffer greatly with heartburn & acid reflux, especially if I ate late at night, which was difficult not to as I worked shifts for many years.
I would always have a bottle of Gaviscon at the side of my bed, I got through so much you'd think I had shares in the company!!
The worst part of these episodes would be when I fell asleep, I'd wake up choking on nothing & couldn't breath, I'd actually run around the bedroom panicking trying to get my breath.
I felt like it was acid in my lungs & my throat as it burned, then, when I could actually breath again, I had to keep coughing trying to clear it.
So sorry to ask but I seem to think I've read somewhere that the Omeprazole my GP put me on over 2 years ago erodes B12, along with other ant-acid medication?
What I have read is that if you have B12 deficiency -PA that your stomach doesn't produce much acid to break down food, which I'm now wondering if the Omeprazole my Dr prescribed me was counteracting exactly what it was trying to cure, if that makes sense?
The thing is though, that since regularly SI B12, the acid problem, along with other symptoms I used to suffer with regularly seem to have stopped or eased greatly!???
Many thanks as always!