As b12 defiency caused migrains can i... - Pernicious Anaemi...

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As b12 defiency caused migrains can it cure them?

Nackapan profile image
16 Replies

I've stated a new post to follow my consult with neurologist yesterday. He thought my present symptoms are from migrains silent or otherwise. Every day sensitivity to light noise TV shop sensory overload sizzling head sculice pressure. When it starts it then brings back unsteady Gait and nausea at times. Has anyone had this? Has b12 managed to cure in time what it has caused? I hadn't even heard of silent migrains before

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Nackapan profile image
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16 Replies
Cherylclaire profile image
CherylclaireForum Support

Was told the same thing a couple of years ago about possible "silent headache" by a neurologist, although never suffered from anything I would remotely describe as a headache. He also suggested pellagra, -and told me that I had presented a good case for more B12 injections but that he didn't know much about B12 deficiency (!) .....wonder if we saw the same person !

He did however take me seriously, and sent me for a brain scan and electric tests on hands, feet, lower legs.

Gambit62 profile image
Gambit62Administrator in reply to Cherylclaire

Cherylclaire - silent migraine presents without headache but involves other symptoms such as visual disturbances and possibly nausea.

I didn't actually realise that I had visual disturbances related to migraine until I was talking to a friend who suffers from silent migraines - not good news as they are an artist. Was pretty obvious that I did have visual disturbances once it was pointed out though!

Gambit62 profile image

To be honest I doubt that B12 would resolve migraines unless the underlying cause was B12. Mine were hormonally related but were agravated by being B12 deficient. They have changed significantly with the menopause - still get the odd one that has me getting very well acquainted with the bathroom - but these days I get more silent ones - and do experience some muscle weakness during these. I don't have light sensitivity, nor noticeable noise sensitivity and never had that - though I do seem to be more sensitive to touch.

Nackapan profile image
Nackapan in reply to Gambit62

Okay. Because of the time frame the B12 defiency and Injections did give me headaches. Last night reached another level though very scary and painful. I had been in a shop and felt ill in there. I think the lights as usual set me off. All rather puzzling at present. I get the muscles weakness ,nausea . Last night a pain in my back?? I have to keep so still . It might have been that. I do get visual disturbances . I've been prescribed Amytriptyline 4 times now but not taken it. After last night I feel I need an emergency painkiller killer or maybe have to try amytriptyline. This neurologist convinced me the light sensitivity ect were migrains. I'm so confused at the moment. B12 I jections definitely have got rid of alot of symptoms and they are going to slow down in frequency. Last night's migrain has thrown me. Every time I try and do a little more like yesterday going in one shop to buy a kettle I seem to suffer. I've never had migrains before b12 defiency. Hormonal headaches yes.

Thank you for your reply.

deniseinmilden profile image


Interestingly this article came up in my Google Feed yesterday. (The Express is still doing its best to increase awareness of B12 deficiency and other vitamins and minerals). As it's the press not everything is entirely reliable but it does give a starting point for your own research.

If you can't open the link it basically says, amongst other things, that homocysteine (accumulations of which are caused by B12 and folate deficiency) can cause migraines and therefore if this is the reason for your migraines there is a good chance that enough B12 and folate will facilitate the breakdown of the built up homocysteine and so could help you.

I get repeated migraines which last for weeks at a time that are caused by fluctuations in my hormones. The solution for me is the progesterone only pill.

I hope you find a solution soon.

Nackapan profile image
Nackapan in reply to deniseinmilden

That is interesting as I've not suffered bad heafaches/migrains before I was b12 defient. My B12 must be okay now! I'm taking folate

Blood tests in April. Thank you

Frodo profile image

I have chronic migraine and all the symptoms you describe as well. However, over 2-3 years of B12 injections, those symptoms have improved. I also had improvement from giving up gluten and taking a herbal anti inflammatory. I still have migraine every 2-3 days.

My migraines and other symptoms seemed to me much worse than what the 'average' migraine sufferer experiences ( I became semi disabled with off the scale pain), and when I looked into it I was pretty sure I had APS (Antiphospholipid Syndrome). Symptoms can be similar to MS and PA. Predictably my then GP dismissed the idea and called me a liar but some years later I had the test and I was right, I do have antiphospholipid antibodies.

Not saying you have this, but something else to be aware of. Another one that's difficult to get diagnosed and treated, however.

Nackapan profile image
Nackapan in reply to Frodo

Okay thank you I will read up. Sorry to hear you have them so often. Last night was my worst ever very scary. Hung over today from it and still have a headache

Ritchie1268 profile image

Hi Nackapan.

Around 12 years ago I used to get the most horrible migraines.

I remember they made me violently sick, I'd have to sleep, then after I woke I was fine. I put it down to having loads of stress. I haven't had one for a few years now.

Then around 10 years ago while driving, I got what I described as a shimmering oval shape in one eye that gradually got bigger till I couldn't see properly & had to pull over. No pain, no sickness, nothing, just a vision shimmering like an aura with loads of colours.

My partner drove me to A&E as she was panicking. They did tests & said it was a migraine. I'd never heard of it before!

I had them often after that, 2/3 times per week, always the same. No pain just a shimmering aura of lights.

Since being diagnosed though with PA & having the B12 injections, I cannot remember the last time I had a "silent migraine"

Nackapan profile image
Nackapan in reply to Ritchie1268

Oh that's interesting . Gkad yours have removed. I have very painful ones like ladr night. The contant buzzing in my head and light sensitivity and noise sensitivity very difficult and can set one off.

Ritchie1268 profile image
Ritchie1268 in reply to Nackapan

That must be horrible for you.

I honestly don't have a clue what used to trigger mine as I've never been sensitive to light or anything, (apart from when I used to get the painful ones) which I haven't had for a very long time now.

The silent ones would just come on.

One minute I'd be fine & then the shimering would start, get worse till I couldn't see, last about 20/30 minutes, then just disappear.

I didn't even have a clue that B12 deficiency could cause migraines till I saw your post.

Thinking back now though, I think it was around April last year when the Dr said I had B12 & folate deficiency along with PA. I seem to remember now my last silent Migraine was around that same time & I can't remember having one since starting the injections.

I hope you manage to get yours sorted as I remember when I did have painful ones they would just knock me off my feet.

People make me laugh when they say they have a migraine & just carry on with things, if it was a migraine they wouldn't be able to.

Good luck

Nackapan profile image
Nackapan in reply to Ritchie1268

Exactly. Thanks

ACritical profile image

My migraines got so bad after menopause I just wanted to take all medication next to my bed and be done with it. I told my husband, he took medication away and asked immediate referral to neurologist. Had CT and MRI scans and lots of blood tests. Apart from crippling migraines I had no feelings in bottom legs and feet, lost weight with being sick every week for 3 days. So very low in most vitamins including B12( but way within the range, 200..) I was started on B12 Hydroxocobalamin injections straight away, loading injections first then 1 each month for life (now for some reason new GP decided to ignore advice from Neurologist and only allow me to have 1 every 3 month) My migraines improved within the first month, I still have the odd one, caused by diet or barometric fluctuations but very mild, can stay up and get through the day with help of paracetamol and ibuprofen. My feelings in my legs have improved enormously however the weakness can creep up, difficulties with getting up the stairs and walking again. Also eyesight fluctuate after injection I see clear but can reduce all of the sudden. Same with swallowing food, overall weakness of muscle strength perks up 1-2 days after injection again. Silent migraines I also know well, no headache , more of a pressure in skull, feeling tired and nauseous, partly loss of vision with zigzag patterns.

The hydroxocobalamin injections are a godsend to me but not a total cure. Makes life worthwhile again. I can be again a loving wife, mum, grandma, friend and colleague who can be relied upon.

I self inject when necessary. I am back in control.

Nackapan profile image
Nackapan in reply to ACritical

All sounds very familiar apart from the vomiting. I'm on every other day b12 I jections still but they are being reduced soon. Hydroxocobalamin. I've never had them before. Hormonal headaches yes .perhaps the initial b12 defiency exasperated post menopausal symptoms? ? Thanks for reply

ACritical profile image
ACritical in reply to Nackapan

Hydroxocobalamin is the working ingredient in the injection, Vitamin B12. I hope these injections may help you. They reduced the amount of, the intensity and the duration of my migraines. Read the advice on this site or better still become a member of PAS/ pernicious Anaemia Society. Have blood test done for Folic acid and vitamin D and if you need to supplement D3 make sure you take vitamin K2 at the same time as they work together. Magnesium and the other vitamin B’s help with migraines as well as finding out your triggers. My triggers are Lemons, Oranges any citric products like Ascorbic Acid as used in medication and food production as a preservative or as additives. Also sulphites. Fluctuations in barometric pressure is another one I can do nothing for that, however the migraine is helped by the regular injections as I already mentioned earlier. Let us know how you progress.

Nackapan profile image
Nackapan in reply to ACritical

Thanks for all that useful information . Lights a definite trigger ! Ive ordered heavily tinted glasses which i hope will work as long as i don't fall over!! will work out more. Pre storm has always given me a mild headache. Vit D I supplement as was low. Didn't know about k2. Also taking folic acid and a multi vit. Bloods being done in April. Ferritin dropped 39 so taking iron. Might stop drinking tea. Have stopped all alcohol since poorly and coffee. 7 weeks now of every other day Injections. They will reduce soon to weekly as I hope that enough.

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