I've been injecting B12 every 2 days for 2 weeks (and taking folic acid) and was gradually improving and feeling more myself. I felt a little unwell on Wednesday evening and have just crashed since then. I just felt tired and flat yesterday, but my stomach feels horrible today; very gurgly and unsettled and I feel cold and shivery inside. I feel as though I'm back to square one when I'd started to feel more positive. I'm also taking digestive enzymes + HCL supplements as recommended by the private GP I saw 2 weeks ago. I did start taking a multivitamin multimineral 2 days ago.. any ideas why I've suddenly gone backwards?
Going backwards!: I've been injecting B... - Pernicious Anaemi...
Going backwards!

B12 plays a part in keeping the immune system functioning properly.
one consequence of this is that people who are B12 deficient are more prone to infections.
one potential downside to starting B12 treatment is that your immune system starts to kick back in and that means that a lot of the things we associate with feeling ill but are actually part of our immune system fighting infections, start functioning properly again so you notice the impact of an infection more.
this may be what is going on with you at the moment.
Thanks for your reply... feeling pretty grim at the minute so hoping I start to pick up again!
This does take time. If you are still unhappy come back and ask us again. There are other options but everything needs a while to settle down.
Do you think you are having a reaction to something in the multivitamin and mineral supplement? (Has it got lactose in it?)
If so don't take it for a few days and see if you improve. If you do it may be that or you might just have a bug that you have got over so when you are better try it again, with food, and see if your symptoms return. If they do and after a few days you cut it out again and improve again there's a good chance your body doesn't like something that's in it!
Thank you so much for your advice..I wondered that myself. I had been taking spatone liquid (for iron) + a high dose vitamin D, but changed to the multi vitamin and mineral, Floradix tablets and dropped the vitamin D and felt terrible! I'll go back to what I was doing and see how I feel. My nutritionist had said 'don't bother with a multi vitamin and mineral' whilst I'm taking digestive enzymes and HCL but I thought it might help... serves me right for being clever (not!) I also wonder whether the HCL supplements are too strong as they are 1g... think I'm better starting off more gently with apple cider vinegar and only take Betaine HCL when I'm eating meat. I think my gut is hyper sensitive at the minute.. it's a slow process isn't it and I'm not the most patient woman 😒
As you've said we are all different and we have to do what works for each of us.
Try to minimise the number of changes you make at once too - that way you'll have a better idea of what has caused the difference.
Good luck - you will get there!
Thank you for your positive reply.. doing too many different things at once is my biggest failing, it drives my husband mad! Kefir one day, aloe vera juice the next... patience is not my strongest quality. I think it's a 'fear thing' worrying I'll never get well. I've felt poorly for so long, it's knocked my confidence in my usually strong constitution. I'll do my best to chill 😊
And the condition causes anxiety, and takes away our ability to steadily reason, and, and, and....
Bless you - I know how you feel!
"I just want to be BETTER!!!"
Well, that in itself is good and will ensure you will be - I guess it's a natural reaction to use every failing resource to stay alive rather than just gradually fade away!
Would writing down a plan with measured target dates help?
A lot of success with B12d is down to careful management, including management of your expectations. Just recognising that this is a challenge for you is a major step forward as it means you will be able to proactively work towards things and feel your accomplishments along the way.
You will get there!
That's a great idea! I tend to hurtle headlong into throwing everything at healing myself, but expect fairly quick results. If I'm honest, I've been absolutely terrified of what was happening to me and I'm still really frightened... I feel tearful just writing that down. I have had no help or clear diagnosis from anyone and have coped with help from other people in this situation. It's been a lonely and scary position to be in. Physically I don't feel too bad, other than a constant feeling of terrible nausea which is horrible. Still have pins and needles in my fingers and toes, but they're diminishing. Think I need to fully express my feelings and let them out! I'm sure that'll help me move on. Writing them down will help too. Thank you so much, sending you a big hug 🤗 x
I've improved gut health by Intermittent Fasting and using kefir and inulin. I rarely inject now and run 5K a day. I've never felt so good! I guess what I wanted to say is try to find the source and treat that if your B12 isn't caused by PA. Good luck, I hope you're feeling much better soon ❤️

Thank you! I still only have a vague diagnosis that I have absorption issues, but haven't had any success with my GP in terms of treatment. Will continue with the digestive enzymes and supplements that seem to help and go back to the docs to ask for further advice 😊
Hi there, it is early days. I’m impatient like you and want to see change overnight! Think of the ladder of recovery. I restarted SI (after 8 month foolish break) middle August and felt much better in first 2 weeks. Then really bad. This is normal, just stick with it! I had a month I’m afraid feeling pretty gastly and now just over 2 months after starting I feel so much better. My brain fog is slowly lifting and the pins and needles getting so much better. My memory is improving and my sleep. My period has restarted.
Have faith and be patient. Sending hugs!
I also got super dizzy. It’s scary. Are you having lots of potassium rich food? I drink a litre of coconut water each day. At least one banana and one avocado. This is important.