About my B12. Help!: I've been on b1... - Pernicious Anaemi...

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About my B12. Help!

Kittykat50 profile image
34 Replies

I've been on b12 injection for 40yrs I chose to stop having them 6 month's ago coz the lost of my 26 yr old son. I should have them every 4 weeks. I do feel poorly, weak, low and more. Can not having them make me pass out or worse. I'm just very down because of my lovely son passing away to a heart attack. Thanks. Kitty. Wirral.

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Kittykat50 profile image
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34 Replies
gg317 profile image

So sorry to hear about the loss of your son. As a parent and as far back as my first pregnancy, I knew that the worse pain I could ever endure would be the passing of my child. You are in the worse of unbearable pain one in which no parent would ever want. Time does heal but it may be a very long time and you are forever scarred. A friend of mine that lost a daughter did awareness fundraising in honor of her lost loved one and said it helped, my sympathies are forever with you during this difficult time. xoxo

Kittykat50 profile image
Kittykat50 in reply to gg317

Thank you so much for your reply. And lovely words. I just think Not having my b12 injection isn't important right now as I'm in door 24/7. I don't know how long it will be before I get really ill I don't want to but need information about diagnosis. Thank you gg for your msg. I know time is a healer but every day is different. Please give your friend my regards. Lots of thanks. K x

LCW8 profile image
LCW8 in reply to Kittykat50

May the Lord uphold you and may you feel His comforting Presence in the midst of your sorrow.

My heart goes out to you with a prayer. Sorry that I can't answer your question, but just MAKE yourself take them for a few days (even though your heart isn't in it,) and if you notice you begin to physically feel better, then there is your answer.

All the best,

Love, Linda

Kittykat50 profile image
Kittykat50 in reply to LCW8

Aww Linda.

What a beautiful message. I think you are an amazing person sending me this message.

Really on here the people have opened my eyes and heart to know that you have such lovely hearts.

Yes you have give me Hope and knowing you can send something like this to me You are such a lovely lady.

Many thanks and God bless you.

Love kitty x

LCW8 profile image
LCW8 in reply to Kittykat50

Thanks so much for taking time out to say such nice things about me and others here. We are all (no doubt,) so glad that the few words we send, from our hearts can offer you some hope and comfort in your sorrow Kitty-Kat.

I have been through similar (son taken off me forcibly, at birth) and although many tears were shed throughout the years for him, I can truly say, I found comfort and help from the Lord amidst it all.

Many times He dried away my tears and offered me hope. Just focus on the happy times you had together. Don't let anyone rush you to "move forward," but don't let the loss rob you of a life after you have grieved Kitty Kat.

Love to you.


rosyG profile image

I'm very sorry to hear you have lost your son. I think you must start injections again as they will help you to feel better and come to terms with your loss. Take care and keep in touch

Kittykat50 profile image
Kittykat50 in reply to rosyG

I would love to stay in touch with you. If you are on facebook just look for Gaynor kitty as there is only one of me in the world. I just thought maybe I should start thinking I am important.

It's a start for me. My son Son Paul always said I was a very Strong Special mum and best friend.

You will see my cover photo with us both on it.

Now I have silent tears. But not of you and Linda plus all my other people's comments.

You are all fab Special caring guys.

Many thanks and big hugs to you all.

With Love

Kitty Kat. Xxx 🤗😘

Kittykat50 profile image
Kittykat50 in reply to Kittykat50

I would like to tell you all I have started writing again.

I write poetry. Have done for a few years.

I do have one called

(Silent Tears)

So that is another positive that you have give me back.


Many thanks.


rosyG profile image
rosyG in reply to Kittykat50

take care and let us know how you get on

Kittykat50 profile image
Kittykat50 in reply to rosyG

I will Rosy. Promise.


Kittykat50 profile image

Thank you Rosy. I'll talk to my doctor again when I'm ready. X

gg317 profile image

I would be emotionally paralysed and unwilling to get out of bed to face the day, but your son as you described was lovely and surely would never want to see you not taking the minimum care. Maybe someone can bring you some b12 drops?

Kittykat50 profile image
Kittykat50 in reply to gg317

I know. We were best friends as well as mum n son. He always reminded me when my jab was due. I will have a good think this weekend. Thanks hun. Much appreciated. X

Gambit62 profile image

Sorry to hear about your son.

However I would strongly urge you to restart injections sooner rather than later.

B12 deficiency can affect your ability to cope with stress leading to anxiety and depression. You are at a particularly vulnerable point right now and will be stressed. It is important that you do all you can to ensure that you are able to cope with the loss.

It is highly unlikely that you are not deficient if you haven't had an injection for 6 months.

Kittykat50 profile image
Kittykat50 in reply to Gambit62

Thank you for your comment. It is 5 month's over due. I have had a message from someone that has made me think seriously of having it. She is bed bound. I just won't go out and yes I feel everything you have said. Plus I suffer with mental health but it's stable with medication. Thanks so much for your help. Kitty x

Kittykat50 profile image
Kittykat50 in reply to Gambit62

I have Pernicious Anaemia. Red blood cells attack white. Plus I had to have marrow bone taken from my chest bone that's how they found out why I was very sick when I was 18 yrs old. So I should and have been having b12 since every 4 weeks. A lot of people have them now as back then they were very rare. Just thought I'd tell you A bit of my reason for having them for so long. I will try and take your advise on board. Thank you so much. X

clivealive profile image
clivealiveForum Support in reply to Kittykat50

Hi Kittykat50 I don't think I can add much to the sympathy, thoughts and advice given above but I can certainly empathize with you because I too have been having cyanocobamalin B12 injections every four weeks for the past forty-six years due to having two thirds of my stomach removed at the age of 17.

It's been said that to lose a child is one of the worst things we can experience and I still have my two gorgeous daughters who both lost their Mum over twenty-five years ago.

My wife Valerie died in 1992 whilst undergoing open heart surgery at the age of 46 but fortunately for me I possibly didn't go into the depression that is so great a part of the symptoms that P.A. and B12 deficiency inflicts upon us because I continued to have my injections together with a daily folic acid 400mcg tablet.

As has been urged above and I'm urging you again now, please get yourself back to having your B12 injections as soon as you can.

I am not a medically trained person but I'm still "clivealive" and over 75

Kittykat50 profile image
Kittykat50 in reply to clivealive

Hi Clive.

Oh my Lord you have been through sadness losing your lovely wife

I'm so glad you stayed strong all these years. And have two daughters.

Yes it's so hard some days coping. I am a strong person. Very.

The advise I've had from you lovely people on here has made my mind up as my depression is deteriorating so I do think now it is to do with my b12 as I'm not liking myself and that isn't me being scared to go out coz of what people think. That started Xmas time.

So thank you again Clive.

Hope your happy now and strong.

Kitty x

Gambit62 profile image
Gambit62Administrator in reply to Kittykat50

Kittykat50 - you may find this forum useful in relation to your son


Kittykat50 profile image

Aww Thanks very much hunny. I have just had a gander through it. That's so thoughtful of you xx

hellmice1 profile image

Kittykat50 I am so sorry for your loss.

No parent should ever lose a child and I can't begin to imagine what you are going through.

I can understand you not wanting to go out but not having an injection will make you feel worse.

Have you got a friend who can go to the doctors with you just so you don't have to go out alone?

Please go and have an injection before you get really ill.


raelenejones profile image

I am so very sorry for your loss. I cannot imagine the pain you must be in. Please get your injections underway again though. It will take courage to go out but call on a friend to help you to get to the Dr. Sending hugs xxx

1CountryLover profile image

I'm very sorry for the loss of your Son. Have a few B12 injections as soon as you can. He would want you to look after yourself, even if it just makes you a bit stronger in your body it will be worth the small effort. Don't waste time getting blood results, just get an injection, and then another one as soon as you can, and then another. B12 deficiency is a neurological illness not a blood disorder. We need the B12 to heal nerve damage and prevent further damage. You will need at least a few close together to help with the symptoms caused by stopping and the stress on your body from grief. And yes you could pass out or worse if you don't get them. All the best.

Kittykat50 profile image
Kittykat50 in reply to 1CountryLover

The docter won't give me one without blood test because they said I'll need a 3 day booster. Spoke to out of hours today as I'm feeling so ill physical n mental. I know it's a pain having to do all that But in a week or so I'll be feeling better. Thank you for your nice comment.

I wouldn't of known any of these things only for all you nice people.

Kitty x

Omarsasa profile image

Sorry to hear that.any one can help I can't sleep since 6 months after 9 shots of b12 injection.can I get back my sleep or what.if any body had this reaction tell me how long does it takes to back sleep normal I have insomnia can't sleep more than two hours at night.my b12 test lab is 2600

Kittykat50 profile image
Kittykat50 in reply to Omarsasa

I'm not sleeping without having my b12 hun. You should ask your scorer if it is to do with that.

There's nothing worse than not sleeping.

I do hope you get sorted out. X

Kittykat50 profile image
Kittykat50 in reply to Kittykat50

Ask your scorer I ment.sorry!

Kittykat50 profile image

Docter. Done it again. Ha. X

BlueBoyMico profile image
BlueBoyMico in reply to Kittykat50

You're giving secrets away there with that word lol

Kittykat50 profile image
Kittykat50 in reply to BlueBoyMico

It's the predicted texting. 😂😂 At least you made me laugh. Hehe x

Wowo23 profile image

Hi kittykat50. I agree with all comments here. As a mother, I can't imagine the loss and pain you feel. My heart is breaking for you. I feel your Son would not want you to stop caring for yourself tho. Its so important, as you know 40 years in, that b12 will help you with stress, anxiety as well as phyical well-being. I'm not sure if you went to your Doc for injections(I do mine at home) but maybe call your doc, explain your situation and you don't feel like coming in so they can order injectable to pick up at pharmacy. Maybe reach out to family, friends and neighbors to help pick them up and also with injections. Plz take care of yourself. You have my deepest sympathy

Kittykat50 profile image
Kittykat50 in reply to Wowo23

Hey hun.

I have been going to the nurse and docter for my injection.

I must say you are brave doing your b12 your self as they are stingers. Well Done you.

To another lovely person and good advise Many thanks.

You stay well and look after your self.

I will stay in touch the next time you hear from me I hope to be well and brighter.

Lots if thoughts

Kitty xx

1CountryLover profile image

I self inject, the first time was a bit scary, but I chose to learn to do that because it is definitely the easiest option. In Australia we can buy Hydroxocobalamin at the chemist, 3 for $8.00. Then I researched the syringes, needles and swabs on line, I think it's less than $1.00 each time. I just press the needle on my arm until it pierces the skin the rest is easy, I hardly ever feel much at all, some nurses injection styles have been quite painful, I think they are sometimes rougher and faster than they need to be. It's soooo much easier than negotiating with some badly informed Dr, especially when not feeling well.

CH52 profile image

Dear KittyKat50,

My heart sincerely breaks for you in the loss of your son. What you are going through is every parents worse nightmare. I too lost my son in 1995 when he was just 15 years old. It's been 23 years and I still miss him. I also have PA and need my B12 injections every 2 weeks. I know it is hard and can say that because I've been in your shoes. I hurt inside until I thought I would never be able to function let alone get up out of bed each morning. But slowly I did. I decided my son would not want me to give up but to live and to remember him and hold onto the joy he brought me. It was so hard but I went for grief counseling. No, I take that back. I forced myself to go to grief counseling as I knew I was slipping into depression. I had no one else and lived alone. I don't believe we ever truly heal from a loss like this but we do learn to deal with the loss and manage the hurt over time.

The only way you can survive this horrid loss is to continue with your B12 injections and keep your body healthy so you don't slip further into depressions grip. B12 deficiency only worsens your depression. Your son would not want that for you. I'm sure many others in your life don't want that for you either. I don't know you but I don't want that for you. Everyone deals with grief in their own way. But to deal with it you need to stay healthy. I still tell funny stories about my son Zachary and it makes me feel good to remember him and remind others that this beautiful kind son of mine has not been forgotten. I remind myself and the world that he was a cherished gift from God and that even though I only had him for 15 years, they were years I would not trade for anything. Your son and my son have left this world but not our hearts. They are with us always. I'll keep you in my prayers and hope you go back to getting your treatments so you can remember your son clearly and with love and be able to hold him in your heart and know he is in Gods hands.

With utmost sympathy,

Another grieving Mom

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