PIP acessor in the morning - Pernicious Anaemi...

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PIP acessor in the morning

Fudgemanjim profile image
7 Replies

Off to see a acessor for PiP in the morning, dreading the appoinment...seeing as there meant to find reasons to say no and english Drs saw me i wheelchair etc and said couldnt be PA ... its only geting sorted due to french Drs giving me jabs i need... and i doubt this guy or gal will be bothered to contact french Drs... anyways ill be honest teĺl all... and if its allowed record the conversation... because i WISH i did that with half the doctors ive seen in UK this year...called hypercindriac, diagnosed bipolar, told in my mind, bl2 doses after every 8 weeks causes cancer, PA has no symptoms...all the ridiculouslness....maybe take some martyn hooper and pollcock litriture for them..

Its not like im a work dodger, i was still turning up in chair being sent home ,.. been forced to quit ... nice guys, i was an excellent worker, tv stuff chocolates... twas a dream life till symptoms really took me down and they just wanted me to get better really

.ltheres a bunch of other stuff im meant to apply for appare tley but this is the only thing ive managed so far...anyone else been to a PIP assesment regarding PA? Advice? Or better yet funny tales to boost spirits?

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Fudgemanjim profile image
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7 Replies
greenbexy profile image

benefitsandwork.co.uk is a really good website that shows you the criteria for PIP. The point system etc are on here, as it's what you can't or can do, not the illness itself. Good luck!

greenbexy profile image

As regards to funny tales, the assessor said that my mum in law drove there and was perfectly coherent on the report! She has dementia and has never held a driving license, ever.(Told them three times that I drove her there) Lies and more lies was stated in the report! Appeal went through (a little daunting) but all was well in the end!

I have a good neighbour who is battling about PIP at the moment Fudgemanjim who was a 1st Division footballer. He had a brain tumour removed in 2003 and his eyesight was seriously affected. He was put onto disability allowance and so had housing and other benefits. He can read but is severley short sighted in one eye and long sighted in the other - he reads but with a huge magnifying glass. One of his problems is he cannot read the number of approaching buses so unless there is someone with him or also standing at the stop he has no idea which bus to get on. The PIP assessment cancelled all benefits and while his appeals were being heard he had to sign on for work. His brother has a SME company and couldn't employ him as he couldn't get insurance to cover him working. The appeals process is working and he has had some benefits reinstated with more appeals to go. It will be interesting to find out what your experiences were today.

One other thing though, about PA. My daughter has had problems with this for the past 20 years. She was at the point where she was exhausted after a day looking after her 2 boys and had to go to bed as soon as her husband came home from work. Things changed when she was diagnosed and treated and then took on a demanding part-time job as well as her boys. She is truly a power house, keen and eager for anything, even starting up a kindergarten group which is still going. There are problems with PA but with relevant treatment (B12 injections regularly) life is near 'normal', whatever that is. Our daughter is now nearly 50 and is currently a School Receptionist and loving it and housewife and crumblies watcher with a never ending energy. She self injects and controls her PA and Crohn's well.

I won't wish you best of luck as you don't need luck you need solutions, even if you have to make those for yourself. This forum can be a big help.

fenty profile image

These assessments are based on the opinions of the assessors,regardless of how much medical evidence you have from g.ps or hospital consultants,when I had mine I was approved on my first assessment and got quite a high amount of points on both scores,I had an appointment to see my neurologist about two weeks after my assessment and when he asked how the assessment had gone and had I heard anything from the p.i.p department,I said I hadn't,he actually sent them another letter on my behalf to hopefully get the decision in my favour and hopefully speed things up,around 2 to 3 weeks later I got a text from p.i.p saying my claim had been awarded and a letter confirming this would follow,which it did,I'm convinced that the push from my g.p and hospital consultants got this for me and that all my medical evidence backed up what I'd told the assessor at my assessment,but what grated me more than anything is that the assessor was not a doctor,how can their opinion overrule the opinions of fully qualified g.ps and consultants,I was lucky that I had/still have sympathetic medically qualified persons that made sure I got the disability benefits they thought I was entitled to but it's not like this for lots of people,people that should and ought to get disability benefits due to illnesses they may have but don't because medical opinions are overruled,the assessment system is unfair and should be based on the opinions of g.p s,hospital consultants and if or not they think you should qualify for any disability benefits,I know a few people that have had to appeal against being turned down for p.i.p benefit despite medical evidence stating he/she cannot work due to illness,it's a system that has and still is abused making it so much harder for genuine applicants to get disability benefits they should be entitled to,having sympathetic g.p s/ hospital consultants who know you and are aware of the problems your illness cause you in your day to day life should by rights and fairly ensure you get any disability benefits you should be entitled to,but how in the world does it justify these professional medical people having their medical opinions overruled by assessors who are not fully qualified doctors is beyond me and how they get away with doing so just shows how the system is wrong,my g.p and consultants told me I couldn't work anymore due to illnesses,I didn't ask them if this was the case,they told me,and that should be enough for anybody with the circumstance the same or very similar to mine to ensure and be awarded p.i.p disability benefits,as I stated earlier I myself know that the assessment process is daunting but if you along with your g.p and/or medical consultants think you should be entitled to an award of p.i.p disability benefit,fight for your entitlement so that you eventually get it awarded to you,I know it might be easy for me to say this as I was awarded p.i.p disability benefit on my first application and assessment but I know how hard and trying it can be and is for genuine people,who should be awarded it but still get denied an award and have to fight to get their entitlement,this is wrong the system should be changed to enable genuinely ill people to get any disability benefits they are entitled to receive,best of luck with your assessment and I hope everything goes well for you..fenty.

Fudgemanjim profile image

Thank you for all the responses, the assesor claiming the mum whos never driven drove to work definitley gave a slight chuckle... and a tad angry at there ridiculousness but still :)

I went to the appointment, and was just very honest really, how ive stopped nhs treatment as they let me degrade to the stage i had saying hypocondriac when even my work forced me home and wound up in chair.. also no more choccy fudge teaching with celebs n tv stuff booo,,, work was my life hence my name) and how my partner tskes me to france whenever she can for picking up b12, cat scans and the like and i try to do jabs as symptoms worsen... but of course need to ration them due to travel cost, how injection CAN make me the old me but this isnt always so and my ming only started returnibg properly near end of loading jabs but didnt get to right stage in the end.. when she pushed on nhs help i pointed out drs and nurses saying causes cancer and all the other stupid stuff.

She made me go through how symptoms effect day to day life and she did allot of memory tests, she didnt seem to understand the pain shaking and breathing issues as each time i had a symptom like this infront of her she was asking if i needed dr, i just explained how this happened alot before jab...(which was nicer than its in your mind)

i also may have had a little cry at memory and money change tests as it kind of makes one realize how far the mind has gone from loading jab times when i was begining to get that back... but oh well... we did reading test and explained i could read all off it the issue was it just kept focusing and blurring up every few seconds... and that was basically it... she wrote down how to get to train home (still got lost) and i left.. she was very nice but i suppose its a wait and see thing... next jab is today.. fell pretty rotten atm and know jab should be slightly more than it is now but still soooo much better than before so focus on good...next time well get more b12 perscribed abroad so can do more regular

.... ah im rambling... i was meant to talk about pip... haha... erm...ooo i did leave her with a could it be b12 book in the hopes she reads it and anyone else she assesess with PA in the future gets the benifit i was there for an 1 hour 45 min and an hour was just trying to explain Condition without fogging up.. either way just need somthing to support things as very overdrawn with no job or home other than one supporting friends house.. until i hopfully get treatment levels right and can work again... a month or somthing like that back i was much much much worse and now i can walk with stick so yaaaay progress

greenbexy profile image
greenbexy in reply to Fudgemanjim

You say that you have to ration jabs due to travel costs, why not get them delivered? There is many posts on the forum regarding this, (safe and reliable sources). I'm not quite there yet, not even supplementing at the moment as I will be having a MMA test in March. At least I know that I can get the supplies if I need to self inject in the future. Good luck with the outcome, really hope it goes your way.

topazrat profile image

I really hope that you get a good result. I went through the PIP interview with my daughter last year. She had previously been awarded high rate DLA for life. The assessor was nice, seemed to understand my daughter's problems, so we were hopeful. Then the letter came - she was rejected! Not only just rejected, but they awarded her zero points. How? I wanted to appeal, but my daughter had had enough of the system and felt worthless - the system won.

It would appear that everybody who possibly can gets rejected and then has to appeal to get what they are entitled to.

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