My brother of 87 years has just seen his doctor. It appeared that his B12 level was 84 a year ago. He was given one prescription but was not told what it was for and was not followed up. He was not aware that there was a B12 issue!
At my insistence he saw his doctor last week to request a B12 test because of a four generational family history of B12 and/or auto immune thyroiditis. The practice manager phoned to say the test was OK and no further action was required!
He was not happy with this and asked for a doctor's appointment. I insisted he find out the level which he did. It was 119! At this point he asked what it was a year ago and was told it had been 84!
The doctor refused to prescribe injections or high dose pills but offered him a script for 50mcgs by mouth daily. My brother pointed out the facts as relayed by me and was told that he shouldn't use the internet. My brother responded that in his experience it was the only way to be well informed about health issues.
I am outraged by what I consider frank negligence.
He has arranged to see a female doctor at the practice for a second opinion and I am going to tell my brother to ask for a printout of the guidelines she is following if she does not correct the previous GP's gross negligence.
***The reason for this post is that I think this could be a useful tactic for anyone being confronted with an unhelpful, ill informed or negligent doctor. It may prove more fruitful than presenting all the evidence about correct treatment. It would also put the boot on the other foot of the doctor having to justify their mismanagement.