Hi guys my daughter has had her 2 weeks of loading injections her folate levels are within the normal range but a week after she is still not feeling any better and is experiencing extremely bad head aches I would be very grateful for any advice thanks ?
After loading dose : Hi guys my... - Pernicious Anaemi...
After loading dose

Some new symptoms show up from the jab itself. The headache for me is an indication that B12 levels were too low before my injection. I call it a detoxification symptom because I think the B12 reenables a whole lot of metabolism that has been slowed or suspended from the deficiency.
To sort out the symptoms, start a logbook and treat each jab as day zero. The symptoms from the jab always repeat in the same sequence over a period of 3-4 days.
The symptoms from either food, drink or medications occur 3-48 hours after ingesting because the gut is involved.
Some of the symptoms from the jab are counter intuitive because they look a lot like symptoms from the deficiency or from food.
The logbook helps sort them out as well as providing some support from short term memory loss.
Pain after the jab is an indication that the nerves are healing.
The headache for me lasts about a day on the day after the jab.

would go with pvanderaa 's suggestion about keeping a diary but also look to establish exactly what the symptoms that your daughter had before hand and what seems to be changing.
Some of the consequences of B12D - eg any anaemia is going to take a while to resolve as the impact of B12 on anaemia is around the production of new cells so, for example if you have macrocytosis it is only going to clear as old deformed red blood cells die and new healthy ones replace them - which could take a few months at least.
Some people need a lot more B12 after shots than other - my symptoms actually start to come back within 24 hours of a maintenance shot unless I supplement heavily as well - and for some things do actually get worse - in terms of aches and pains and the immune system kicking back in after being at a low ebb for a while. Unfortunately everyone is different so not really possible to say with certainty how it is going to go for your daughter - but important to focus on what is improving and give it all time.

Hi Gaily1770 I am not a medically qualified person and pvanderaa and Gambit62 have given good advice but I'm interested to know why your daughter is having the injections. Is it a B12 deficiency or has she been diagnosed with P.A?
I see you say "her folate levels are within the normal range" do you know the numbers as sadly many doctors only read what it says on the screen. Has she been prescribed a Folate supplement e.g. Folic acid as this is essential to process the B12.
I wish you both well
Hi thank you for your reply she has endometriosis and had surgery in April this year but started to become extremely exhausted so the did a blood test and was told she had a b12 deficiency it was 130 and has had six injections so far but still feels tired all the time and has started getting pains in the tummy again we think this might be the adhesions re formed but I could be wrong she has had a bad head ache for days now she has recently had a repeat blood test and her folate levels are at the low end of normal 3 something can't remember the numbers sorry I also think she may be depressed with the whole situation the doctor has prescribed antidepressants but she is very reluctant to take them I am so worried about her x
If you can avoid the antidepressants, I would do so. I've taken many different kinds over the years on the advice of my "doctors," and I now avoid them like the plague. Beside that, she being a teenager, there is information in the flyer of these drugs that this can raise the suicidal tendencies in some teens and young adults...just be careful.

Did she have Nitrous Oxide during her surgery as this depletes B12 almost totally.
Hopefully your daughter will pick up soon but it's not surprising she feels depressed as sometimes it is possible for "things" to feel worse before they get better.