B12 deffiency 14 year old girl - Pernicious Anaemi...

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B12 deffiency 14 year old girl

beifusmichelle profile image
5 Replies

my level is at 66 and I got injections done but I don't feel any difrence is this dangerous, I get literaly every symptom and I cant deal with this anymore ?

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beifusmichelle profile image
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5 Replies
Gambit62 profile image

It isn't going to be possible to give you a simple answer to your question as people respond very differently to B12 and given that your levels were so low it is likely to take a while for the B12 from injections to start to repair everything.  It can take 6 months.

It would be good for you to keep a diary of your symptoms and note any changes.

What country are you based in? This helps to clarify what form of cobalamin you are likely to have been given.

I presume you have only just started on treatment with injections.  How many injections have you had and with what frequency?  Are you able to talk to your parents?  Do you know what caused you to be deficient in the first place - if it runs in your family then may be there are family members who can support you.  Also, do you know what your folate levels were like ... and do you have a good diet in terms of fresh fruit and veg?  That is the best way of getting folate and your body needs folate to be able to fully process and use the B12 you are receiving.

Gb57 profile image

Talk to your parents and relatives. Tell them how you feel. You can get lots of information on line to help you understand your illness. Good luck I hope you start to feel better soon

Sleepybunny profile image


Perhaps you or your parents could talk to the PAS (pernicious Anaemia Society)?

pernicious-anaemia-society.... 01656 769 717

clivealive profile image
clivealiveForum Support

Hi beifusmichelle  

It is not unusual to "feel worse" after your b12 injections especially in the early stages of treatment so please "hang on in there" - things will get better.

I remember that I was walking around like a "Zombie" when my treatment started, I've been on b12 for 44 years now and am 60 years older than you so you've got a lot of life to look forward to.

I wish you well for the future and as others have suggested, talk to anyone you can that can help and come back on here to let us know how you are getting on.

You are not alone

Foggyme profile image

Hi beifusmichelle. I'm so sorry that you're having such a terrible time. B12 deficiency is so very difficult to cope with, especially in the early stages. Like you, I struggle and there are many out there who are in the same position.  I'm new to this site but have found that since joining, I feel less alone. There are lots of people here who can help you, so please keep on posting. I know it's difficult because sometime you don't even know what questions you should ask, much less have the energy to do anything about it.

As other have said, I think it would really help you if you could find someone to talk to about how you are feeling. 

First, do you live in the UK? If you are able to let us know your general location, I'll see if I can track down a B12 support group in your area.

Are you well enough to go to school? Is there a school nurse, counsellor, teacher or friend you would feel comfortable talking to?

I know it's sometimes difficult to talk to family 'cause you don't want to worry them, but I'm sure that if you took a deep breath and 'let it all out' they'd really want to help you.

Do you do Facebook? There's a pernicious anaemia support group on Facebook which I know some members use.

You could also talk to childlike (0800 1111 a free number). They deal with 'anything' and I'm sure they could support you.

There's also the Samaritans (116 123 again, a free number).

More then anything, I want to let you know that you are not alone and that there are now people here who are thinking of you and rooting for you.

Please do post again and let us all know how you are doing. 

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