I have my B12 jab every 6weeks I was diagnosed with PA 5 yrs ago. was just wondering if anyone else suffered from mouth ulcers and/or water infections? I wonder if it's related some how? And what is PH balance? Thank's
Just wondering?: I have my B12 jab... - Pernicious Anaemi...
Just wondering?
I used to constantly get mouth ulcers (and they were always worse when my B12 dipped low), but once I got my folic acid level up the mouth ulcers have pretty much stopped happening.
I have PA and get a lot of water infections.
pH balance is something that woo-woo websites pretend is something essential to health. It is normally fixed by taking their snake-oil, reading their books, or watching the adverts on their web sites.
Your body is excellent at balancing the pH in the body (it's had billions of years to work out how to do it)., Consuming more alkaline foods or fewer acidic foods will make no difference at all.
The only time pH can go awry and need fixing is in your stomach. Production of too much, or too little, hydrochloric acid can lead to unpleasant things. Unfortunately the symptoms of too much acid are similar to the symptoms of too little acid. And the pharmaceutical companies have developed loads of treatments for too much, and none for too little. So guess which one gets treated most often?
If you have PA then you almost certainly have autoimmune gastric atrophy. One effect of this is that your stomach doesn't produce enough acid. This can lead to symptoms such as bloating, dyspepsia, diarrhoea and gastric reflux. Doctors will look at the last of these and treat it by giving you PPIs (Proton Pump Inhibitors). These block the production of stomach acid - making the whole thing worse!
Apart from B12 deficiency, I also have salicylate sensitivity. I am convinced the SS is related to low stomach acid which is typical for PA. If I eat foods that are too high in salicylates, I get mouth ulcers.
Are you supplementing with other vitamins and minerals? If you have PA you are not only low on B12 but possibly low on other vitamins and minerals. My guess is you need all B vitamins.