Has anyone experienced weight loss wi... - Pernicious Anaemi...

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Has anyone experienced weight loss with PA and hypothyroidism?

saramt profile image
8 Replies

I have hypothyroidism and pernicious anaemia and also have low iron. Recently I have noticed that I am losing weight 5-6 pounds in the last few months with a gnawing feeling in my tummy. Has anyone else had a similar experience? I have a gp appointment tomorrow to have it checked out.



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saramt profile image
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8 Replies
_tracy_ profile image

Yes I lost about 15 lbs when my PA symptoms got really bad prior to diagnosis in late Oct 2014. I was already slender so was dismayed about losing so much weight. I'm 5'10" and struggle to keep my weight around 132 lbs (9.4 stones).

I have really tried to gain weight and it just isn't happening. Like you I get a gnawing feeling in my tummy at times, but I force myself to eat or I can get shaky (blood glucose drop?). I've been to a dietician but all she did was point me to healthy foods to eat that are higher in calories.

I know I have malabsorption and food passes through me overnight based on what I've observed in the toilet the next morning. I've been tested for fat malabsorption and parasites, all results were negative. I think malabsorption is unavoidable with PA.

saramt profile image
saramt in reply to _tracy_

Thanks Tracy yes I also get shaky and have noticed that this lessens when I eat. My appetite is as normal. I have been through the h pylori treatment experience and that seemed to help for a while but now I feel am back to square one gut wise. I'll see what the GP has to say tomorrow. Thank you for taking the time to reply.


_tracy_ profile image
_tracy_ in reply to saramt

What is the "h pylori experience?" Forgot to mention I've been tested twice for it, both negative.

Five years ago, I was stricken with terrible stomach pains. Doctor never could figure out what it was. Told me to take Prilosec (omeprazole). Caused weird back pains so stopped it after a couple doses. Maybe something B12 related was already going on in me. Anyway my stomach pain eventually stopped. Perhaps was h pylori?

cefjarth profile image
cefjarth in reply to _tracy_

Omeprazole inhibits absorption of B12...something doctors don't tell you or are unaware of

NJMommy profile image

I also lost a lot of weight. About 20 lbs in 6 months. I had horrible nausea and was constantly vomiting. I came to lean that can be 1 of the symptoms. I began to feel better once treatment began. It is strongly suggested that people with PA be followed by a gastro. There is a higher instance of stomach cancer.

_tracy_ profile image

I still don't feel right. After I get a shot my tummy feels like it's in a knot. Doctor says it is IBS and prescribed doxycycline (Bentyl) for it. I try not to take it often as I now question the merits of any drug that goes in my body due to bad experiences with antidepressants prescribed before my b12 deficiency and PA was diagnosed.

Hidihi profile image

hi saramt. when i first started on the b12. i lost a bit of weight. i was already under weight (fast metabolism/skinny family genes). however, that changed 3-4 months into the treatment & has now kinda swung the other way. put on approx. a stone.

Lindax profile image

I lost 3½ Stone in 3months and had to stop working due to neuro symptoms, falling over etc. I went through another 2yrs before PA was diagnosed. But even after shots and 3monthly injections, l only put on a couple of pounds. It wasn't until I started self injecting fortnightly that I've put on half a stone and look a lot better for it.

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