Hi all,
Iv been back and forth between rheumatologist, eye consultants, dermatologist and the rest for over a year and a half now. Firstly they thought it was lupus, then porphyria, then a few others chucked in the mix - now I’m finally down to bechets with a small possibility of periodic syndrome. Also, severe autoimmune dry eye.
I suffer with skin rashes, joint pain, swelling in my hands, TERRIBLE inflammation in my eyes, (my worst symtom) fatigue, raynards, ulcers in mouth and Iv had one down below which is a new thing for me. My optic nerve has been inflamed twice causing a fixed dilated pupil for days on end. And I do wonder if the random seizure I had a couple of years ago may well have been related to this all.. who knows.
Been started on colchicine, and prescribed ikervis for eyes and dexamethasone drops. Which have been a saviour as my last flare in my eyes lasted 4 months untill this medication was started. 2 days ago was the first time I saw the whites of my eyes in months and I can’t tell you how happy I felt.
I’m 31 and live in uk.
I just wanted to say hi really, and wondered if anyone else suffered with there eyes like I do? It really gets me down. So far I have stayed positive and tried my best not to let this take over my life.
It feels good to know what it is now rather than being ummed and arred constantly.
Iv seen more doctors and consultants and days spent at hospital appointment this year than I have in the whole of my life.
Multiple blood tests, scans, a and e admissions, and I’m now almost completely done with it. Time to get better! (Well symptom wise anyway)
Hope your all keeping well.
Sending lots of love everyone’s way!