Whey Protein vs Vegetable Protein - Cure Parkinson's

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Whey Protein vs Vegetable Protein

15 Replies

I drink protein shakes every morning with whey protein and recently read that dairy can cause faster progression. If that is true, should I switch to vegetable based protein instead of Whey?

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15 Replies
MBAnderson profile image

Here's an informative link from Laura Mischley re which foods are and are not associated with higher risk


M1tz1 profile image
M1tz1 in reply to MBAnderson

This is very useful, MBA. Thank you so much. Many of you know that it was my husband who had PD. I joined HU to support him. I do, however, have intentional tremor and increasing gait disturbance and balance problems, so that I now have to use a stick. A lot of what this articke conceys makes sense for me and I going to put it into practice. Bless you, MBA.

quiz0019 profile image
quiz0019 in reply to MBAnderson

Great comprehensive article. Thanks for sharing.

unsinkable profile image

Try Pea Protien, thats what I use

NRyan profile image

I asked Dr. Mischley about whey protein and she said NO dairy products what so ever. No ghee, whey protein, hard or soft cheese, greek yogurt, kefir, butter, etc. No cow, goat, camel or any other milk products from an animal. :( I am getting used to it. Self-love!

MarionP profile image
MarionP in reply to NRyan

Such answers when looking at nutrition demand the natural and followup questions: "Why," "how" and "how do you KNOW, vs. do you just THINK SO," and "discuss the trade-offs, benefits vs. disadvantages of the alternatives under topic." Especially with nutrition, with the field rife with flaws that the typical uninformed or unprofessional user has no way to suss out.

A simple "NYET!" is never enough and a professional should know that and not wait to be asked, ESPECIALLY when knowing that the questioner has not disclosed all personal details that would be necessary in order that the answer be professional, safe and effective.

Professionals know to do this already, because they are forced to do so when asked the same questions by their peers...it's called "defending," and having to defend is a standard, automatic part of answering questions when put by a fellow professional...so they are quite used to doing so...but sometimes need a prompt when answering questions put by the rest of us.

Rhyothemis profile image

Even if you are lactose tolerant and can break down the lactose into glucose and galactose, there's still the galactose. D-galactose is used to accelerate brain aging in animal models.

BCAAs activate mTOR; mTOR is a pro-aging pathway, but also necessary for muscle growth and tissue repair. Whey protein supplementation was found in a pilot study to improve the glutathione status of PD patients, probably due to the cystine content. Cystine is a cysteine-cysteine dimer ; n-acetyl cysteine supplements can also improve glutathione status.


Then there are microRNAs present in dairy products, the activities of which are only just beginning to be studied.

MarionP profile image
MarionP in reply to Rhyothemis

Can you give a definition to the term "aging" in this context?

Rhyothemis profile image
Rhyothemis in reply to MarionP

with respect to d-galactose use in animal models:

"In the last 10 years, ageing research using animals has gained an

increasing attention with the availability of drug-induced animal models

which can be used to study accelerated ageing. D-galactose-injected

rodent models recapitulate many features of brain ageing and have been

extensively applied to study the mechanisms of brain ageing [3, 7, 8].

Following administration, d-galactose reacts with … * to form advanced

glycation end-products (AGEs) and cause oxidative stress. This in turn

can lead to increased malondialdehyde (MDA) levels and decreased

superoxide dismutase (SOD) and glutathione peroxidase (GSH-px)

activities [9–11].

Its administration in rodents also has been reported to cause

neurobehavioral changes including cognition and motor impairment;

reduced neurogenesis; neurodegeneration; and caspase-dependent apoptosis

and mitochondrial dysfunction [12]."

*I did not add the elipse - looks like an error in editing



mTOR activation shortens lifespan and increases the rate of accumulation of age-associated damage - pretty much every age-associated biomarker is affected:

"Aging is generally characterized by a progressive loss of physiological

integrity, which leads to impaired functions, and therefore increases

vulnerability to death thus limiting lifespan [28].

Conserved hallmarks of aging have been recently proposed and include

telomere attrition, epigenetic alterations, genomic instability, loss of

proteostasis, deregulated nutrient sensing, mitochondrial dysfunction,

cellular senescence, stem cell exhaustion, and altered intercellular

communication [28,29].

The mTOR network is known to regulate some of these aging hallmarks as

described below. Ultimately, the prominence of mTORC1 signaling in aging

likely reflects its exceptional capacity to regulate such a wide

variety of key cellular functions (Figure 2)."


faridaro profile image

Whey protein and also vegetable proteins isolates/concentrates/extracts are usually high in glutamate which in excess can act as excitotoxin. Dr. Russel Blaylock whose both parents had PD advises to avoid foods and additives high in glutamate. Personally, I have glutamate sensitivity - get a headache after eating anything with MSG and suspect many people have same issues. To learn more about glutamate see this article:


Bongobyron profile image

I use almond milk I gave up and milk and if seems to work fine

NRyan profile image

There is no arguing about food. We are all here with different experiences and sharing that info helps everyone. I'm happy whey protein works for you! We should all do what works best for us. Dr. Mischley has 2000 PwP behind her research. She is not trying to be a food nazi, she wants to help her patients by sharing her findings but encourages them to choose for themselves. Peace and health.

Thanks, makes sense.

shiba09 profile image

Hi, which whey protein brand do you take? I wanted to order immunocal but it is very expensive. I was wondering whether there is a good quality brand that is less expensive...

shiba09 profile image

Thank you very much!

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