Welcome to the New Normal: At church... - Cure Parkinson's

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Welcome to the New Normal

mktbob55 profile image
15 Replies

At church yesterday I was speaking with a woman who recently had some life altering health issues. While we were discussing our life-changing issues she mentioned that is easier for her to accept what she is going through as the "New Normal".

I had heard this phrase before but never really thought about it. I pondered this throughout the day and thought how it applied to Parkinson's disease. I believe the phrase is particularly useful for me as I go through my journey. As we all know Parkinson's is definitely a journey because of the symptomatic changes that can occur hourly, daily and monthly throughout the disease. By accepting these changes as the New Normal I can see how this could shorten my acceptance period.

As a problem solver I have a bad habit of trying to find a reason for everything that happens in life. Then I try and fix it. Parkinson's disease has lessened this trait to a great degree.

So my plan is, when faced with a new challenge in life that I have no control over or ability to change I'm going with the mantra (Welcome to the New Normal). Of course knowing me that won't work until I chewed and worried the bone for a while. LOL

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mktbob55 profile image
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15 Replies
Balderdash profile image

Fantastic,I love it,the challenge isnt the future and were this illness might take me .xx My journey is today.

RevvyP profile image

Thanks for this. I am trying to get my head around things - diagnosis only confirmed a few weeks ago. I have no idea what normal will be but I like the "new normal" idea! Brilliant!

Balderdash profile image
Balderdash in reply to RevvyP

KNOWING challenges your life, dont let fear, vulnerabilities and preconceptions compromise it.

Im ok 10yrs on not perfect, but I can still do everything.

Live for today, forget tomorrow.

BillDavid profile image

Couple of thoughts in response. In regards to the emotional aspects of having PD, major difference in how you view your situation, is your "Cup" half full or half empty? Answer makes a world of difference.

Second regards the statement "have no control", my experience is contrary. From a recent Support Group I attend.

The principal problem in Parkinson’s Disease is a specific breakdown in the brain’s ability to prepare, coordinate, and forward an effective series of commands to the muscles….in short, involves a disturbance in the coordination of movement.

Another function effected is maintaining normal tone (that is, normal resting tension, or pull) in the muscles of the body. In Parkinson’s disease, the extensor muscles of the body have insufficient tone—they are too relaxed.

The extensor muscles are the ones that extend straighten, rather than flex or bend, the various joints of the body.) In Parkinson’s patients, a stooped posture (flexed spine) is thus typical, as are flexed elbows, knees, and ankles. In turn, these postural changes aggravate the difficulties in initiating and continuing many bodily movements.

As a result of these movement problems…..Activities of Daily Living can become at times a challenge. EACH OF US WILL BE FACED WITH FINDING ADAPTATIONS TO OUR PARTICULAR CHALLENGES AS THEY DEVELOP OVERTIME IN SAFE AND EFFECTIVE WAYS.

What works for the individual PwP, will depend on the progression of their Symptoms and their Physical Situation. For example, I have a bad knee, Venus Insufficiency in my legs, and COPD……all which impact which Adaptations work for me. Never-the-less believe we can learn from each other….which is one of my visions for this Support Group.

Many have learned from recent developments in Physical Therapy (such as LSVT BIG) that we can learn to effect our functional movement, learning that we do have some control of our movement or mobility symptoms....is incredibly empowering! Exercise each day for maintaining mobility tomorrow.


pedserv profile image
pedserv in reply to BillDavid

Not sure where you live, but I HAD venous insufficiency, had 3 perforated check valves ablated and have no more significant swelling (wearing 20-30 compression knee highs). The procedure name is Venefit.

BillDavid profile image
BillDavid in reply to pedserv

pedserv......thanks for the information.


firefly0780 profile image

Great approach. Acceptance is key to living in partnership with this dieease. It can make the difference between being a victim or someone on a journey of discovery.

Kadie57 profile image

You have control by choice, When I choose not to let PD lead my life I was not so consumed by the PD. So Much I can not do but by choice I find things I can do. I m also a thinker, a doer, and a problem solver, BUT There is no logic to PD, I feel I have PD to help others with the way I find to live with Parkinson, I firmly believe that God gave this disease to me to help others.

fenbadger profile image

Good answers. We can control more than we think. Some things are hard, like changing jobs when there is no work about. I've been told to apply for one where the entire wage would go in travel! Yes, really. You're right though. My cancer friend continually adjusted her life and kept links and hobbies and involvements far longer than others in like situations.

I think in the problem solving thing the first is to decide whether the cause can be dealt with. If not discard the notion then ask how we deal with the effects. Simplistic I know but the implications are varied.

PatV profile image

I too became a fixer and a problem solver (systems analyst) :D but PD gave me some problems I had to accept (sounds like serenity prayer :) ) which forced me to have more faith in my "higher" power. Enjoy the day! Never give up! Never defeated! And when in pain, lie down and enjoy a good movie! Note to self: Let it go.

etterus profile image

The good news.... These are the good ole days. The bad.... Ditto.

mktbob55 profile image

LOL, how true

goofy profile image

Thank you for the idea. By the way, what part of the US are you from?

Don_oregon_duck profile image
Don_oregon_duck in reply to goofy

I too am an analyzer and was trying to accept my "new normal". I told everyone who would listen, "I will accept my new normal when it stabilizes and I can redefine my normal." Then one day it came to me, my new normal is having an unpredictable day health-wise. Now I accept that definition and don't stress about it. I am still having a lot of good days that I can enjoy. That is my new normal.

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