Has anyone had a coeliac plexus nerve block for chronic Pancreas pain, and if so did it help?
Nerve block.: Has anyone had a coeliac... - Chronic Pancreati...
Nerve block.

I’ve had one. Unfortunately it didn’t work. I read last week about a procedure in which the nerves are permanently cut. I plan to ask my doctor about it.
Thanks. I have been offered one but not sure what to do. I was told that there was 50% chance of it working. Don't know if it was a permanent one or just temporary that would require doing again in the future. Shame yours didn't work for you.
It probably wasn’t a permanent one, butI would ask. I plan to.
I’ve had several nerve blocks and two ablations and none of it worked. I have pain every day
hi, I know you posted this a long time ago but I just wondered if you had the Celiac Plexus Block? Did it help? I have been researching it and discussing with my pain specialist however I would prefer to hear from someone who has actually had one thank you xx
No, I didn't have it done.
What made you not have it done? Did ylu have any other treatment?
I have developed some other health problems, so my time has been taken up with dealing with that. I have to say that although I do still have pain, it has not been as bad since I stopped taking the drugs for Osteoporosis they were definitely aggravating the problem, even the injection, and intravenous infusion was causing upper abdominal pain. I had been taking those drugs for 5years.