Can't believe this has happened - Pancreatic Cancer...

Pancreatic Cancer Action

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Can't believe this has happened

pc2017 profile image
24 Replies

My wife has just found out she has Pancreatic cancer.what is the best treatment,the DR said Chemo.will that help?

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pc2017 profile image
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24 Replies
Abdiqani profile image

First of all , I am very sad and sympathy about the disease that your wife suffered as we know that people when they heard cancer often threaten as a result of its health lethal impact. Secondly In medical solution it would come across to try to deeply test whether it is low grade or high grade , using chemotherapy is the second line treatment after performing biopsy procedure and other Imaging techniques to ensure existence of it . Although chemo has side effects but newer drugs could be effective such as molecular-targeted therapeutics which came as an evolution of advancement of chemotherapy . The other revolutionized treatment for cancer is Immune-therapy rather chemotherapy . But according to your case contact the doctor and "don't exaggerate wrong thinking she will relief " and try to ask him other forms of treatment such as changing dietary patterns or foods eat .

I hope to be better your Wife .

pc2017 profile image
pc2017 in reply to Abdiqani

Thanks for you comments.we are just looking for answers.

Mary_K42 profile image

My husband was not a candidate for surgery. He has had 4 rounds of chemotherapy and it has been helping. The side effects aren't too bad. My daughter has found a store that sells a lot of natural foods and a former chemo patient has told her of some things to help. The infusion clinic gives Meds to help nausea etc before the actual chemo is started. It goes in through rough the IVfirst. Make sure to ask your wife's Doctor. Good luck and prayers to you both

pc2017 profile image
pc2017 in reply to Mary_K42

we will ask the Dr about meds for nausea before Chemo.thanks

LexingtonLuLaBelle profile image
LexingtonLuLaBelle in reply to Mary_K42

Hi, I've just found out that my mom has pancreatic cancer, she's only early 60s. Is there any chance that your daughter could tell me more information on the foods that are good please? I'm still in shock so anything that will help would be great.


pc2017 profile image

Explain more about Turmeric,can you take it while doing Chemo?Thanks for your comments.

pc2017 profile image

Thanks for all the good tips,I will be researching this starting Monday.I will also check all the web sites you gave me for stone left unturned

DianaLea profile image

I can tell you what the current standard of treatment is but as for the best treatment I would suggest that you research any and all alternatives as this unfortunately is one of the most difficult cancers to treat. If there have been no spread of the cancer outside of the pancreas, (liver, lungs, lymph nodes etc.) surgery may be an option, provided the tumor is not involving any of the major veins or arteries. If it is a very large or strategically placed tumor, they may suggest chemo or radiation or both to try to shrink the cancer to make it easier to remove. Surgery is very rigorous considered the best "curative" route.

If cancer has metastases (spread outside pancreas) the treatment would be either folfirinox chemo or gemzar/abraxine chemo. Folfirinox is the strongest one. These are not considered curative but palliative instead. If you read about the disease on the internet do not pay too much attention to statistics. Everyone is unique and responds differently. I know personally people who have survived up to 3 years so far with chemo and radiation only. Occasionally you hear of someone with a 10 year survival with only chemo. This is very rare, but it does happen. Why not your wife? I would suggest a facebook group to join which will be very helpful for this very hard journey. You will learn a lot, gain support and suggestions and be helped to work through difficult points in the treatment process. The site is called Pancreatic Cancer: NEGU. This standards for Never Every Give Up. Best of luck to you and your wife.


pc2017 profile image
pc2017 in reply to DianaLea

Thank you so much for your comments,I'm so sad right now,we can't quit crying.this is so hard.we just don't's happened so fast no warning.

pc2017 profile image

Thanks I will check these sites out.

pc2017 profile image

My wife has now went through two chemo treatments,she was very sick after the first one,they have changed some of her meds and she did better on the second one.she is trying to adjust her eating.her feet and legs are swelling some.the RN's are saying not eating could be one factor.its hard to want to eat when your throwing up a lot.we hope that improves.this is a tough road,lots of bumps and pot holes.i welcome any knowledge or information anyone has to help us.

pc2017 profile image

My wife has has four chemo treatments now,she was very sick in the first three,we had trouble finding the right nausea meds,we now have that fixed we hope she is now eating and not throwing up all day long.actually no throwing up in the last week,she is still very weak,I guess that's from the chemo and cancer.but things have improved some.and that's a good thing.thanks for everyone who have shared information with us.I will continue to up date you on our progress.she sent Johns Hopkins blood samples for Research.we continue to look for answers and information.

pc2017 profile image
pc2017 in reply to pc2017

my wife has had 7 chemo treatments,she is very weak,from the chemo and cancer,but some good news,she had marker ca19.9 run early in this process,it has dropped a great deal.we hope this is a sign the cancer is responding to the chemo.she will have a scan at the end of 9 treatments to see.i will keep you updated.anyone have suggestions please share them with us.

Keidor profile image

Is a Whipple an option for her. If so that’s what I had done. Has to meet certain requirements

pc2017 profile image
pc2017 in reply to Keidor

No right now Chemo only,going for treatment-9 Thursday.then scan next week to see where we stand.

Keidor profile image

Is there a tumor and are the able to operate to remove it? If so then I’d ask about a Whipple procedure.

pc2017 profile image

My wife passed away on 10/23/17.she never got to do the scan, the last two weeks were terrible.I am so sad I don't no what to do.I have family and friends for support.but I miss her so much.this happened so fast.i wanted to let all of you have showed me a lot of support.cancer is terrible.i just hope they find some cure.but I really doubt they will anytime soon.its all about money, that is really bad.god bless all of you.i will continue to post.

gwillistexas profile image
gwillistexas in reply to pc2017

So sorry 😥 prayers to you & your loved ones🙏🏻

pc2017 profile image

I suggest anyone with pancreatic cancer try to get in on any trials offered to them, it's about the only chance you have, my wife was offered trails at several large research Hospitals,John Hopkins wanted her to come and she was accepted into their program, but she was to sick to make the trip.if I had to do it over we would have went there first.we made a mistake, don't do this go if you get the chance. I miss my wife so much,I can't describe it.this is a terrible disease,with no cure in site.Do realize cancer cure has not improved any in the last 80 years.this is a multi-billion dollar business for the big pharm companies.if they find cures, look what they lose in $.I will keep posting.God bless all of you, going through this is terrible.

pc2017 profile image

It is July.18.i sure miss all of you.i miss my wife Shirley so bad.this when the worse was terrible.i hope for improvements.but really doubt any of you will see it soon.God Bless all of you.she left us on 10/23/18.what a Wonder Woman.we were married 52 years.

Kou4 profile image
Kou4 in reply to pc2017

Cancer is so cruel and unfair. I lost my mum to pancreatic cancer on mother's day this year, 5 months after diagnosis. I miss her everyday. I wish I could say something that would help you but I know the pain of losing someone so close and that no words can heal that. I pray a cure is found soon for this horrendous disease as no one should suffer in this way.

pc2017 profile image
pc2017 in reply to Kou4

date of Shirleys death 10/23/17.wrote it wrong in Note.God Bless you.

pc2017 profile image

I want to thank all of you for your comments, yes I am going through a lot of pain right is not easy by no means.i went through eye surgery in 1\ takes a long time to heal(maybe)but the back to back pain is tough on me I wish all of you luck.we all need it.God Bless you.Shirley's husband Leon

pc2017 profile image

I have went through a lot lost my wife Shirley in 2017,the I had eye surgery in 2018,it has not got me my vision back yet.but I can see a little.drs said I may get left eye vision back some, my right eye is I will keep praying.I feel good all my test are good at this point.I just hope and pray for anyone with Pancreatic cancer.its a tough everything you can to slow or stop's tough on families and the person with it.I feel for anyone in this situation.maybe something good will happen soon.God Bless all of you.Shirley's husband Leon.

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