I have been having some very odd things going on of late. Over the last 6 months I have had a dull ache start in my mid back, originally I put it down to a spring mattress.
The ache has continued to get worse it's still dull but always there and worse when laying on my back or after eating. I feel like I get full quickly and I just don't feel right to be honest. I also have shortness of breath hat I have had for about 4 months now coinciding with the back ache starting and digestion changes.
Digestion has been getting worse and stool a pale brown now for months. I have also lost about 3kg over 3 months but this maybe due to calorie restricting.
I have been living with chronic fatigue syndrome since the age of 27 but this has improved drastically over the last few years. I have been on small dose sleeping tab and antdepressant for sleep every night for 5 years since crashing with CFS.
I have been worried sick I have pancreatic cancer as my symptoms keep pointing to this. The back ache has me worried the most. It feels deep, I'm forever tensing the muscles next to my spine mid back.
Seeing a gastroenterologist on the 27th of July.
I pray to God it's not cancer...