I have just had the 3rd treatment I have it on a Wednesday 2 hours at the hospital and then a bottle attached to my PICC line that goes into me over 2days at home. For the 2 days I am completely out of it very tired and have the most awful runs. Is there anyone else that is on this chemo and what effects is it having.
Kennymorris HI everyone at the moment... - Pancreatic Cancer...
Kennymorris HI everyone at the moment I am having chemo 5FU I have just had my 3rd dose. Has anyone else had the 5FU CHEMO.
Hi Kenny I am sorry to hear you had to have chemo and I do hope you have a positive outcome . I swapped messages with you this time last year when for no reason my 19.9 blood levels were going up they went up to 250 but thay are down to 90 I am having scans every 10 weeks It is over 4 years now since my Whipple but we talke nothing for granted ~I will have some more tests in Feb 2014 I am sorry I am unable to give advice on the chemo as I was very lucky in not having to have chemo. I hope you you are stronger soon and are well .
Thanks for the reply i am going to have treatment on he 18th and the last one on the 8th Jan the plan then is to have a scan and see what is happening i no i am slow in replying but please keep in touch an anyone else could help in any way
Hi Kenny I too am having 5fu chemo 3rd one due on Boxing Day and I'm having the runs quite bad I'm also taking filgrastim injections which think make it slightly worse but not sure. It tends to get a bit better around day 10 of the 2 wk cycle for me. I hope ur coping with it ok I'm doing ok so far but have heard it gets a bit tougher with more treatments but we'll see.