Pants to pain!: That's all I have to say on the... - Pain Concern

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Pants to pain!

teadrinker profile image
11 Replies

That's all I have to say on the subject. Oh, and Pain is pants!

Is there a National Pants to Pain Day? If not, we should start one up. I suggest we hold it today in honour of the jabbing in my shoulder which came on following a bit of reverse parallel parking.

Going to make pancakes now with the good arm.

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teadrinker profile image
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11 Replies

Good idea xx

Yip good idea....lets get our views out there on how we cope with being in pain 24/7....

It certainly ain't my idea of spending a day, would be nice for others to feel the pain that we are in....

A day being pain free is all I wish for....but would probably settle for at least 5mins....

Take care


thenunn profile image

oh I think a national PantsTo Pain Day is a must ..count me in :)

hope you enjoyed your pancakes

Maybe we could team up with the moon walkers for breast cancer and everyone can walk about in a full set of undies

If you want to see people in pain, a pair of dutch tv presenters go and experience labour pains. Seriously hilarious.

snappy1 profile image

Yep pants to pain day, not sure about wandering in my undies that would create a whole world of pain to anyone who saw me:)

No pancakes for me wrists to weak to toss them

In the 50s mental health had a good idea for patients climbing the walls they used too sedate for a while to calm the patient down it didnot last long

What about a twenty four hour sedation, they would wake you up then for a period of several you would not remember a thing so at least you would have a good sleep, then an extended amnesia. Would that do a nice sleep followed by amnesia. A little drastic although some would go for it

All the best


teadrinker profile image

Hold on everyone! There will definitely be no walking about in pants! You exhibitionists! Unless we all wear our pants over our trousers like Superman. Maybe we could have a superhero for pain?

Bob, is that where the expression "climbing the walls" comes from? I'm not sure NICE will advocate sedation as a pain management option. When I had my second child I recall commenting that it was worth being in labour just to feel high on morphine, which caused some raised eyebrows, but it was lovely just to have a break from the pain!

I have watched TV programmes about chronic pain, and they have tried to get other people to experience what it's like by making them wear suits with spikes on, or sticking their hands in ice. I still don't think it's the same as actually having pain, especially the neuropathic sort, which for a long time I didn't even realise was pain.

Most of the time I can get on with the pain, and in fact I've been doing a lot better lately. It's just that occasionally it comes along and reminds me I still have it, and it won't go, and that's the pants bit. No amount of positive thinking can make up for the fact that it's there and I wish it wasn't.


I had one cold pancake due to having to get on with other things. Left The Boys at home in charge of making the rest. Returned home later to a suspiciously clean kitchen and a smell of burning. They had managed to melt the plastic lid off of a jar of Nutella. I'm not going to ask how.

Bev1965 profile image

Excellent idea!!!!

hamble99b profile image

I can't do the walk, how about a wear your pants inside out for pants to pain day? :)

nedd profile image

re national pain day

I missed suggested National pants to pain day. But seriously I think you could be on to something. There should be a national pain day, with a completion to choose the logo and a super hero to adopt for the mascot. Think of all the merchandise that could be generated. We are the silent sufferers and should unite in a display of dazzling color and creativity around cup cakes and cups of tea. Much like the Marie Curie tea parties it might encourage others to come out from behind their pain and party. Apart form anything else I love to join up with others in the same boat. Tis very isolating.

teadrinker profile image
teadrinker in reply to nedd

I'm with you, especially re tea and cake.

A national chronic pain day (we need to be careful about the title, or we'll get all sorts of misunderstandings) should (a) draw attention to how difficult it is to live with pain, and (b) offer support and positive encouragement to other sufferers.

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