had cronic trapped nerve since march. seen ph... - Pain Concern

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had cronic trapped nerve since march. seen physio, osteopath, accupuncture now chriopracter. no reflex in right leg. will chrio sort it??

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Any treatment will help you and your body. Chiro will even out any compensating your body has done - it can sometimes be very painful during the treatment phase depending on how far from the norm your body has become.

It may help a trapped nerve but it will depend on how long the nerve has been trapped, if it is damaged. The chiro may manage to manipulate your body to release the nerve, but if it is damaged beyond repair, it may continue to fire out the pain messages after your body has been treated.

Chiro can be a long treatment with what seems very little actual treatment going on. What it does is reprogramme the body back to its original template. Over the years, and especially following injury, your body compensates. Chiro undoes this, and you may have work done in unrelated areas to the injury. You may get a sense of relief, overwhelming fatigue, periods of painfree followed by pain of varying intensity. This is all normal.

The Chiro should also teach you how to self treat by using accupressure, exercises, stretching, relaxation etc.

Good luck, and remember that your whole body is getting a treatment, not just your trapped nerve, that it takes time and a bit like peeling an onion, layers have to be removed to get to the heart of the problem.

Very sorry about your sciatica ??, I know what it is like have had it on and off for many years, I had manipulation on hip and neck.

I do not know if you can get manipulation on the NHS as of now, the treatment for this complaint can be long and painful, the doctor may be able to give you something that will mask it for a while while you have so form of treatment. If you go privately it could now be expensive, so the doctor may be able to point you to a phsio, in the past they were dubious regarding chiropractice

So good luck on your journey

purpletwo profile image

Had a trapped Sciatic nerve 5 years ago which left me with chronic lower back pain and sciaticca in my right leg. I was initially sent by my GP to a surgery in my city who had a specialist back pain clinic. I had a series of epidurals in my lower back, first one didn't do much, second made it worse, the third actually did help. I also had back manipulation.

After a year, when the clinic couldn't do any more, I was refered to a hospital which had become an annex to the main hospital in my city, who specialised in chronic pain among other conditions. I had back manipulation from a specialist doctor and was with them for a year.

I had a flare up of my back pain 2 years ago and was then refered back to, by my GP, the initial surgery I went to.The doctor gave me a series of back manipulations which helped me greatly. My chronic pain is still with me but if it flares up dramatically, I know I will be refered initially, back to the surgery I was first sent to, and from there, if needed, will then attend the Back Pain clinic.

All this was, and still is, through National Health Service. My advice to you is to see your GP and find out what you can be entitled to through the NHS. I'm sure your GP will refer you to any treatment that is appropriate to your condition.

5elder profile image
5elder in reply to purpletwo

thank you all for info on my back problem. you get to the stage when you just dont know where to turn to. my dr has referred me to spinal clinic for what i suppose will be an injection. Chriopracter assures me he will get it sorted but will take time as i have had problem for many years but it only flared up in march this year. i have had scans and x rays which show the damage. it has helped so much being able to hear about other peoples problems with back pain, as you think you only person in world to suffer!!

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