Hi everone, hope you are all well. I have finally got a picture of some of the toys I have knitted up on my face book. It is the first one with a clown and father xmas etc, these are for my grandaughter in South Africa, lot,s of the others have been claimed! Go to Ann Meades and take a peek, cheers for now
craft pictures: Hi everone, hope you are all... - Pain Concern
craft pictures

I haven't seen your photos yet, but also like knitting, though am not up to toy-making standard. Am still on a baby blanket I started a year ago & it's only stocking stitch! I did manage a scarf for my daughter last week though. It does hurt my hands & shoulder if I do it for too long, but it's good therapy.
How do I take a peek?
just type in facebook in search engine, when you get on, type Ann meades in . Not sure if you have to be on facebook yourself? I also have the hands thing going every now and again, I give the knitting a rest and read, do family research, etc etc, anything to keep busy, my big problem is making the effort to go out, Have a good evening, cheers Ann
ok, so I just ask you to be my friend Ann Meades
please add photo to a blog Id love to see them. I used to knit the jean greenhow {sp?] dolls.
several ann meades on fb where do you live?
birmingham UK. I will find out how to add photo to blog tomorrow. I do all Jean Greenhow dolls but have another book on real quirky dolls that I have tried, am doing a rasta man with a guitar at the moment. One of many projects! My brother does all the attachements for me and he is a perfectionist so they really come out very good. If you can tell me how to put a photo on my blog would be great, cheers Ann
Its no good you will have to high jack a teenager to get craft pics on to blog. Feed them choccie as a reward then set them free again.