I'm booked in for a vaginal repair which I hope will be under spinal anasthestic. What experience have other members had with this operation and it's recovery time thanks
Repair: I'm booked in for a vaginal repair... - Pain Concern
I am also booked in for this procedure with probable vaginal hysterectomy via spinal injection. I cannot have usual anaesthesia as I have serious lung illness. I had my first op cancelled but its re scheduled for the 31st. On this forum I've seen a few that have had the procedure and are fine. I hope you get some positive answers.Because of my lung problems I had to have an appointment with consultant Anaesthetist who told be about the spinal route and he reassured me that it's the same as the women who give birth and majority have no problems. So I am happy with that. Good luck.
Hi, spinal anaesthetic worked well and I asked if I could be put into a light sleep and it worked well.
Spinal anaesthetic worked well and I asked to be put into a light sleep too. Woke up afterwards no after effects. Could walk about immediately went home the next morning.
It didn't go very well with me, but nothing actually went wrong. Just had more pain than most afterwards.