MY partner has been diagnosed with costochondritis it started when he stretched and the muscle popped.He has been taking paracetomal and off work for nearly a month any advice on this.
costochondritis: MY partner has been diagnosed... - Pain Concern

Hi, I’ve recently been diagnosed with this and have been prescribed Naproxen which has helped with the pain but hasn’t completely taken it away! There are lots of videos on YouTube with exercises and stretches you can follow which are suppose to help ease the pain. Worth a try!
It is very painful and can be a bit frightening in intensity and location. Breathe air in as though pouring water into a vessel -- fill lungs from the bottom up; do not breathe shallowly into only the top. Alternating heat/ice helped me, as did "Tincture of Time" and "Tincture of Patience." It simply demanded ample time to heal. The second time I had it, depomedrol injection ( in USA) helped reduce bodywide inflammation. I found this particular pain was not well controlled by any pain meds, but anti-inflammatory meds went to solving the issue.