Does anyone suffer from both Achilles Tendonitid and Plantar Fasciitis in the same foot?
Achilles: Does anyone suffer from both Achilles... - Pain Concern

Have you had both diagnosed by a podiatrist? The plantar fascia is attached to the Achilles Tendon through a mutual tendon, and research has found that if the Achilles tendon is inflamed it can affect the plantar fascia too. A podiatrist is the best person to see for feet.
Hello cyberbsrn. Thanks for answering. I was seeing the biomechanics team who sent me for a scan. The sonographer said the Achilles is very inflamed and looked at the point it might start fraying. The bio mechanics team service ended due to cuts so my gp sent me for Physio which didn't help.
I am not surprised that physio didn't help, you would probably be better off with a podiatrist. they are the experts at everything below the knee. In some areas you can self refer to podiatry, but in others you have to ask your GP for a referral. Some GP surgeries have podiatrists working with them now too. So see if you can get to a podiatrist as they are more likely to be able to help you.
Thanks so much for your advice I shall ask my GP. Do they work on the knees as well (I have several problems with them to) or just below?
They will know a lot about knees and how they work as well as the hips as what happens on the feet will have a knock on effect on the system further up. It might actually be that the problems with your feet and how you walk might be causing some of the problems with you knees. But they don't treat the knee as such, if that makes sense?
Thank you. I have arthritis in my knees, Hoffa syndrome and low grade tendinitis and have been left to get on with it all. I have lots of sports related injuries but never play sport lol. Your advice has been very helpful, thank you.