Lower left pelvic pain for 7 months! - Pain Concern

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Lower left pelvic pain for 7 months!

lrw129 profile image
4 Replies

7 months ago I first noticed the pain when sitting on my left hip on the floor reading to my kids. It felt like I had either pulled a muscle or a menstrual cramp. For the first month that's what I chalked it up to. However when it didn't go away after several weeks I began thinking I had a cyst or some other type of ovarian or uterine issue. It felt like a dull ache. It was constant. Nothing made it better and nothing made it worse. In April I finally decided to see a OBGYN. I had an ultrasound done and it didn't show anything wrong. The doctor told me though that it was very hard to see my ovary because my colon kept getting it way. He said that the colon is usually easy to manipulate to get around but mine wasn't moving very easily (suggested maybe there was a block). Side note: I have no digestive issues, constipation or diaherra. He referred me to a GI. I saw him in May and after pressing around and asking about my history and my family's history, he said I was too young (31) for a colonoscopy and didn't feel it was colon related. He even looked at my ultrasound and didn't see an issue. He said it was muscular and to take tylonel and put a heating pad on it- which I did neither because at this point i was experiencing the pain for 5 months. He told me to come back in a few weeks if it wasn't gone. Well, it's July and I'm still experiencing it. Same amount of pain, same exact spot. Nothing makes it better and nothing makes it worse. I'm scheduled to see him in august but came here looking for other ideas.

If he's right and it is muscular, could my pelvic be shifted and it's pulling at the muscles? It feels like I've pulled a muscle or for the ladies out there- it feels like ovulation pain (which I know it's not because it's constant and I'm on the pill so I don't ovulate). Any ideas or suggestions? Thanks so much!

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lrw129 profile image
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4 Replies
cyberbarn profile image

I get a pain like that every time I have an internal or an ultrasound scan. I put it down to adhesions left from a lap and dye I had 25 years ago. could it be something like that?

Emma2017 profile image

I cannot see that you are too young for a colonoscopy? I had one when I was 29/30 for problems ( without any family history). There is no age limit to them. Maybe however you have pulled a muscle as they can give a lot of bother.

I would suggest it could also be inflammation. Such as Diverticulitis. But as you say no bowel issues it seems unlikely you have Diverticular. If it wasn't your colon that kept 'getting in the way' - then what was it? I think that is what I would be asking doctors. Keep on at them till they find out.

You could have a Barium Enema xrays. This would show any Diverticular or anything inside colon. You could ask OBGYN to a arrange an Internal / Transvaginal Ultrasound scan. That could be done soon. And might show something outside the womb such as a fibroid. In 2013 I had one and it revealed a fibroid outside of and above my womb. It is the shape of an inverted toadstool (or arrow) and is pushing down into my womb causing concave womb. Over the years (and decades ago) I had several Ultrasound scans and was told 'nothing wtong' and 'no fibroids'. Just left to suffer on and off.

I wonder if anything would show on an abdominal xray ? Would you consider asking your doctor to send you for one? Were any blood tests done? Did you have CA125 blood test?

What about a CT scan of abdomen and pelvis or an MRI scan?

GI said come back if not gone in a few weeks? But you're not being seen till August. Could you phone the GI secretary and ask to be seen sooner?

Or - Would you consider phoning and asking OBGYN to order the Internal /Transvaginal Ultrasound?

Are you sure there is no constipation? This can be a problem even when bowels appear to be functioning well.

Just a few points for you to consider.


lrw129 profile image

Just in case anyone comes across this and wonders how it turned out for me....I saw a chiropractor and turns out my pelvis is out of alignment. He adjusted it and like magic it was gone! It came back a few days later because my pelvis went back out of place. The doc says it's going to take several adjustments but at least I know what it is!!! After 7 months of constant pain I'm now pain free, or at least know how to get relief!!

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