I take a number of medication, one is gabapentin, for restless leg syndrome, & back pain. I have degenerative spinal stenosis,, fibromyalgia, heart problems, etc, but I have trouble with breathing & heart palpitation & weakness from the waist down. I wonder if it is the gabapentin causing this. I take xanax also for anxiety, & cymbalta for depression & fibromyalgia. I want something I won't gain weight because of taking it, but I have run out of suggestions.. Anyone got help for me?
Alternative to gabapentin: I take a number of... - Pain Concern
Alternative to gabapentin

Hi, I'd say yes it could be, because the gabapentin can accually cause symptoms of fibromyalgia, that's a side effect, what I find to help me with my fibromyalgia are amytriptoline and gentle stretching of your body, why stretching, it helps keep muscle supple and for restless legs, is QUININE you can get on prescription from gp,also Indian tonic water has QUININE IN IT BUT NOT ALL HAS SO PLEASE READ THE LABLE on the bottle, if the restless legs gets beyond what you can take, then go to bed and sleep, no reading go to bed and sleep. Works great for me and might not work for others.
I hope you might find a little more peace and quiet makes less pain and after a while a bit more energy maybe.
Best of luck.
Research amytriptoline and quinine for the Rls- as the first is regarded as a potent trigger while the second is for muscle spams and not recommended for rls. See FDA recommendations.
The amount of quinine in tonic is negligible if any at all- as Philip has pointed out.
Good luck.
I was originally on gabapentan for never damage in my spine but it did not agree with me too well and I never felt much benefit to it. They ended up trying me on Lyrica and that has greatly reduced the nerve pain. Had also tried nortripalin (poor spelling of it) and it felt like a zombie on it. Lyrica is working good but does cause poor memory for me.
I take nortriptline they put me on gabapentin first but it didn't agree with me