What does a ecg pick up
Need advice : What does a ecg pick up - Pain Concern
Need advice

I presume your GP has asked for this to be carried out. Do you know why?
Some of the things an ECG reading can detect are:
cholesterol clogging up your heart’s blood supply
a heart attack in the past
enlargement of one side of the heart
abnormal heart rhythms
I've had loads of ecgs I just want to no what they pick up,I suffer with chest pain and stuff and always scared x
I'm always scared it's my heart😭 Would they have picked it up? What else shall I do x
An ECG is a way of checking that your heart is beating correctly.
Shannon you sound young , an ecg checks the electrical current of your heart ensures its beating correctly . An ecg is a way for your doctor to ensure everything is as it should be. If anything else was needed your doctor would tell you first. If the doctor hasn't then try to relax and not stress so much sometimes stress is enough to give chest pain. However if you ever do have pain in the chest always go to see a doctor. Try not to worry too much and an ecg is not specifically designed for cholesterol clogging.
Had enough of feeling like this😭 I don't no what else to do