suemlou: my doctor as stopped my sleeping... - Pain Concern

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15 Replies

my doctor as stopped my sleeping tablets  dead after 30yrs ..i cant sleep for pain .can he do this legally 

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15 Replies
mcpip profile image


From what I know gps can make decisions if it's not in a current letter from a specialist if the GP was the one to prescribe them then they can.. Your best bet is writing a complaint, if they haven't sent you to a specialist in sure it's a sewing matter since you have been on them for so long and they haven't found treatment for you to be able to get a normal nights sleep...

I think Aswell addiction comes with taking sleeping medications I have also stopped taking medication that helps me to sleep it's a slow process but you do get your way around it after a while, but they should be letting you see pain team if you have pain that is stopping you from sleeping I hope this helps xx

suemlou profile image
suemlou in reply to mcpip

Thank you, yes i understand that,but this doctor put me on them in the first place..long before i had pain...then 1 week,i picked up my Prescription with a note in saying  they were stopping,so the month after.i was gave half dose.Then nothing ..this was 8 months ago .so i am super weened off them by now.but last month ,i was awake for 3 days .also when i was taking sleeping medication ,i never woke with pain ive had the pain 14yrs .cant win ,yes i think i should have been Refered to pain clinic ,thank you x

linlow profile image

sleeping tablets should only be prescribed for a couple of weeks.  If you have been on them years (and, yes, you are by no means the only one) then someone was negligent.  The problem with sleeping tablets is that they do not allow a correct sleep cycle and this, ultimately, causes some quite serious conditions.  I think that there is also a bit of belt tightening going on and a number of people are finding drugs removed - particularly when there is an adequate OTC option available.  If you do a search on google there are lots of sites offering tips on sleep hygiene and how to get to sleep.

Try curcumin for your pain, or sour cherries, they are both excellent.

suemlou profile image

Thanks i try all sorts ,il be buying cherries when shop opens .curcumin  ?  what is that, yes lots of tightening of belts .notes on doctors doors ,3 in my town ,saying dont register here if you take any of these medications...all sleeping drugs ,Valium ect!  .now i dont mean to come across as a nasty person....but Herion addicts ..get methadone daily to help get of there Addiction why did the doctor give me 1 month ?   i dont know !im just looking for answers .Thank you for your reply

linlow profile image
linlow in reply to suemlou

I know and I can't think of a polite word to describe it - except there might be something in law about heroine addiction but there isn't about insomnia :(

curcumin is the active ingredient in turmeric and is a powerful painkiller. Normally I am all for using things in their natural form but I was responding to another post last night that mentioned using and having had a good night's sleep/ It is also available (for a much lower price) in capsule form but I haven't a clue which might be best.

Don't know if this is any good it mentions cherries as an aid for sleep too. As it happens turmeric can also help you deal with sleep deprivation, though I'm not guaranteeing that it will actually help you drop off (except the pain relief bit)

KymLadybear profile image

I was sent on a pain management three week residential course as a patient, learning how to manage pain and so take less meds. One of the main things we were shown is that people can be horribly over medicated by GPs and so, the meds need to be reduced or stopped so that a gp can see what is really happening underneath the heavy cosh of pain meds. The body gets use to meds which is why they stop working after a while. That's when stronger meds are given but the same occurs again ...its a vicious circle until even morphine doesn't help. We were told that GPS are beginning to accept that such over prescribing does not work (sleeping pills are the same, after a while they don't do what they were made to do) and so they are going for a 'let's clear the body somewhat of the manufactured meds and see what the real underlying cause is and start again with treatment. I guess its a bit like stripping coats of paint to see what the plaster is underneath. Heavy meds all have side effects which manifest as 'symptoms to be treated' and pain meds can actually cause more pain. I say all this because I wonder if your to is awaiting to see how your body/condition/symptoms are without the sleeping pills. I know it sounds strange as we all tend to think that more meds will alleviate our symptoms but that's not the true case due to the cycle of benefit I have described. It could be that this will now be in your best interests. I think you should go back to your to, explain where and how the pain shows itself and ask him to investigate further and prescribe appropriately. I hope this is useful and you see a more encouraging improvement in your health and how you are treated. Take care. Kym

suemlou profile image
suemlou in reply to KymLadybear

Thank you Kym,that has just made more sense to me ,than anything the doctors tell i get seen by 4 different doctors ,all at the same practice.well tomorrow i see my oldest doctor.i will tell him this.and pray to god he listens. as its always them that tell me what i need, i hope he sends me to a pain clinic as its really does need investigating x

8sandylou profile image
8sandylou in reply to suemlou

How awful for you.....I too am in this situation after almost a lifetime of Chronic Disabling Pain & several Spinal Fusions....but of my own volition. Could you p,ease watch Professor Lorimer Moseley s, UTube videos on "Explain Pain" and invest in "Recognise Me" (Right & Left Discrimination of body part pain is emanating from......I have found his principles on Physiotherapy & Pain Management, very useful....I wish you luck and strength to follow your own path to a pain free existence.......a pain clinic is probably going to suggest same.....or just put you on another strong, hard to get off Medication.....hugs, Sandra.

linlow profile image
linlow in reply to KymLadybear

Years of reactive treatment from doctors is the cause of so many problems throughout the world. Patients trust their best interests are being served without realising that the medications they are being prescribed actually cause the symptoms they then begin to suffer. Pain meds causing pain is just one example. My aunt recently suffered a stroke as a side-effect of the medication she was on!! A friend had to give up flying because his medication caused vertigo - but the doctor didn't tell him that, just issued a prescription for another drug to counter it instead.

What is most tragic about the situation is that many of the problems could be treated at root by a simple diet change (well not always so simple but dietary none the less). Lots of pain problems can be resolved this way as can Type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, heart disease, NA fatty liver disease and the list goes on :(

mcpip profile image

yeah its true, sleeping tablets are only for a short period but if the doctor has given them to you due to pain they have to follow with trying to treat the pain, i would goo back and let them know that you have been neglected by not referring you on for pain help, I'm sorry you going through that i know what you mean with the kind of support,complain if nothing comes out your next appointment x

suemlou profile image
suemlou in reply to mcpip

mcpip,hi ,the doctor put me on sleeping tablets ,because ,i lost a Son ,i couldnt cope with life at all.. the pain i have now as came over the years ,with arthritis ,iv been on the top 4 opiates for 2yrs now. and nothing .s working . i need new knee caps .but waiting lists!!! wish i could go private ,i feel like a guiny pig :( x

mcpip profile image
mcpip in reply to suemlou

I'm so so sorry for your loss, I can't start to think what your going though :( if you need a chat just message me :) I've gone private for a few things some have been a waste of time I had surgery on my spine and understand the stress that can be caused when your being chucked around and waiting seems endless but I wouldn't recommend going private for surgery just because I was unable to walk for month sitting in hospital so it always good to have there back when your having this... I'm really saddened that this is the reason you need the sleeping medication are you finding the reminders are stopping you from sleeping now? 😢 There are a few ways to get around it with your GP rather than taking actual sleeping meds and taking pain killers and setting a routen to try and get you to ease before you have to sleep... I'm here if you need just a chat or anything😌 I'm sure once you see them and tell them your having the problems sleeping they will cater to you more

But some tips that help me is really hot showers that are steamy, repeated movie somthing you have watched 100 times, calms tablet really work once you get into a routen of taking them they take about two weeks to Kick in I hope I'm helping a little 💕Xx

suemlou profile image
suemlou in reply to mcpip

Thank you so much x i will buy some calms xx

suemlou profile image
suemlou in reply to mcpip

1 last appointment ,if no change Doc Thank you x

johnsmith profile image

This is a complaint to health authority such as NHS England who pay the GP's surgery if you are in the UK. Stopping something dead can have dangerous side effects if you have been taking them for thirty years.

The doctor should have discussed a reducing policy with you.

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