Hello all,
Out of curiosity, does anyone know if there's an actual definitive test for Lyme disease?
Thank you.
Hello all,
Out of curiosity, does anyone know if there's an actual definitive test for Lyme disease?
Thank you.
There isn't one, pure and simple. My daughter suffered for years with joint pain thanks to a tick bite, it took us doing our own research and then telling our GP for her to get treatment (strong antibiotics every 6 months).
They told my anunt that she had it but never really delt with it and after years it didn't get better and they couldn't prove what it was. Now after 20 years she is still trying to deal with her condition but still dosn't no if it's Lyme desease or not . Good luck
My daughter had a negative test for Lyme's but our GP told her the NHS test is unreliable. Many false positives and negatives. I have a friend who caught Lyme's twice !. He's had negative and positive tests. Tests from the USA are supposed to be reliable but of course they cost.
Treatment for Lyme's is only effective right at the beginning so getting a negative test and waiting is not a good course of action. If you have been infected recently and have the ring around the ' bite' demand treatment. Lyme's stays in the body , I believe for ever.
I found this on the NHS Choices website, I've been looking into Lyme disease recently myself.
"Diagnosing Lyme disease is often difficult as many of the symptoms are similar to other conditions. A spreading rash some days after a known tick bite should be treated with appropriate antibiotics without waiting for the results of a blood test.
Blood tests can be carried out to confirm the diagnosis after a few weeks, but these can be negative in the early stages of the infection. You may need to be re-tested if Lyme disease is still suspected after a negative test result.
If you have post-infectious Lyme disease or long-lasting symptoms, you may see a specialist in microbiology or infectious diseases. They can arrange for blood samples to be sent to the national reference laboratory run by Public Health England (PHE), where further tests for other tick-borne infections can be carried out".
Hope this helps a bit. There's lots of other websites on Lyme disease also. I would say first port of call would be your GP.
Thank you very much Skyblue - you really have taken time to post this great info for me which is very much appreciated.
Tracy xxxx