Hi everyone, i'm new to all this, (computers and my illness, so please be patient with me) I have aggresive rhuematoid arthritis. Have not found the right medication yet too keep my pain under control, i am going in hospital for an infusion in 2 weeks. Hope this is the one as nothing has worked yet. (tried 2 different tablets and 2 different injections) I was struck down with this out of the blue 18 months ago, and i have it in my ankles, fingers, wrists, knees, elbows and shoulders. I am 47 and i am female, this has completely turned my life upside down, i used to go swimming 3 times a week and 1-2 hrs a night walking the dog. I have a great husband and 2 sons in there 20s. Sorry if i'm waffaling. To be honest i don't even know if i'm doing this right. I just no that i saw this website and wanted to share and talk to people who can sort of relate to where i'm coming from, any advice would be appreciated, and i hope that i could help someone as well.
Hi everyone.: Hi everyone, i'm new to all this... - Pain Concern
Hi everyone.

Hello there, welcome to Health Unlocked and our Forums, which I'm sure you will find very helpful and supportive. Don't apologise to us here, we've all been through similar traumas and you just take your time with that computer!
I'm really sorry to read that you're having such a difficult time with your heath and whilst I haven't been through the same illness and symptoms as you, I can relate to your feelings of turmoil, especially when your pain isn't managed well but let's hope this new form of medication will work.
I'm sure it's been awful for you after having such an active life and I'm sure you'll find lots of us here have been through similar and are finding support through each other. My thoughts are with you.
If you join and post on another community under HU called NRAS, everyone on there has RA and related conditions with Inflammatory Arthritis, you will be made very welcome. Look forward to seeing you on there. x

Thank you Georje, I will give it a go, but if you don't See me on there it means I haven't found it , I'm pretty useless when it comes to technology, I've only got to turn the computer on and it comes up ERROR! Lol. I'll try to find it.
Hi may I ask your name? Pain can be a very difficult thing to adapt to and its also very difficult to accept as you say it can interfere with our lives. I've had chronic pain since I was 15 I'm now 21, so I can understand your suffering. Similarly, I am also trying various medications hoping that they will ease the pain. There are a few things I can advise you on. 1, are you with a pain clinic? 2, Have you tried ACT? through the NHS it is called action and commitment therapy and it teaches those who suffer from chronic pain to develop better coping strategies whilst accepting the pain but still doing what you can. 3, Have you tried herbal medicine? I haven't tried this option yet but I know there are many pain relief herbal and natural remedies that can help to ease pain. 4, Have you tried seeing a physio therapist? they're very good for enabling you to do small exercises that can increase your mobility over time and could be useful if you would like to swimming and walking again. I'm also new here but if you would like anyone to talk to, don't hesitate to ask. Like you I'm in the same boat, all I can say is don't give up and don't back down for the doctors keep finding new methods and strategies to reduce your pain and improve your quality of life.
I am 67 and have been diagnosed with erosive inflammatory osteoarthritis with some rheumatoid features. My hands and feet in addition to being painful are seriously deformed. After trying numerous arthritis drugs I am now existing on tramadol, Advil and prednisone. I have bad days and ok days. My heart goes out to you be I know the pain and disruption this disease can cause.
No medication is going to keep your pain under control. Medication can help. The muscles have a bearing on the pain you have as they can generate a lot of pain. To help pain control you need to work with muscle control mechanisms.
Unfortunately, everyone has to learn as if they are having to walk as when they were a baby when learning about muscle control with a health disiability. There are various forms of complementary therapy which can help with muscle issues particularly the Alexander Technique. You are going to need to study how you do things and learn to observe yourself so that you can find out what improves your quality of life and what actions decrease the quality of life.
Meditation and mindfulness are good tools to use when studying yourself. If you make enquiries in your local area you will find the various Buddhist groups who use meditation and mindfulness.
Lack of sleep will cause lack of fine muscle control in many people. Lack of fine muscle control will increase pain in the long run. Are you getting enough sleep at night?
It is worth trying to find occasions during the day where you can get short periods of sleep and see if this helps with the pain.
Hi! You may want to have nutritional supplements and dietary changes. These don't reduce inflammation but it is important to ensure your overall diet is still healthy and balanced. There may be little evidence supporting the use of supplements in rheumatoid arthritis,however some can be useful in preventing side effects of medications you are taking.