Has anyone had scapular fusion?: I have had... - Pain Concern

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Has anyone had scapular fusion?

Samuel1234 profile image
4 Replies

I have had scapular winging for around 8 months and have been doing physio for around 6 months with nothing but a severe increase in pain and increase in the winging of the scapular. The pain is constant now, disrupting my sleep and if I sit for too long or stand or walk it results in a lot of pain. I also get many headaches due to the condition. I am getting desperate and am wondering if surgery would help! Has anyone out there had scapular fusion (surgery for winged scapular?). Many thanks

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fitzzy profile image

I have not had it done. I have been waiting 17 years to get it done (since 1996) . It is where the take ribs from borh sides . Take the marrow out .then they replace the ribs with prosthetic ones.after that has been done .they wire and titanium plate your shoulder blades to your spine ( but with me they are not stopping there .they want to replace my shoulder joint. And collar bone . This is a long and pain full operation ( the reason for me was i have no muscles at the sides of my body undermy arms) they nevergrew there i am 43 now . And still waiting for my very much needed ops but wiyh this government i am not ever going to get them .

johnsmith profile image

You need to seek alternative advice as to what is happening. Physio on the NHS as you have found out is not helping. NHS physio and its treatment methods fail on certain types of muscle cramp. What you describe I get on occasion although not as bad.. When this happens its a quick appointment with my McTimony chiropractor who massages out the muscle which has gone into spasm. Note: NICE does acknowledge chiropractic as a good treatment for certain conditions.

I have had McTimony Chiropractic on the NHS since 1994. There is no cure for the condition I have. However the chiropractor helps keep me moving and more pain free than would be the case without the treatment.

I also have Alexander Technique lessons which also help me manage my condition.

See if you can find an Alexander Teacher who can train you into better muscle usage. This which may not cure the condition will enable you to manage the condition far better.

The body is a system which obeys the laws of physics and engineering. I have met many physios who do not understand the laws of physics as applied to the human body together with its various feedback systems.

I cannot comment on surgery, but with surgery there are side effects which the surgeon may not know about. You will live with the aftereffects of surgery. The surgeon will only know about the side effects that occur within the first three to six months. There are side effects which will take a couple of years to appear. Surgeons are highly unlikely to know about these.

Samuel1234 profile image
Samuel1234 in reply to johnsmith

Thank you!! But how come a surgeon will not know these side effects but you will? Im seeing a surgeon on Friday and am going to ask a huge amount of questions, I'm just bored of not knowing whats going on!

johnsmith profile image

You ask: "But how come a surgeon will not know these side effects but you will?".

Surgeons do not massage patients. Surgeons do not do physiotherapy with patients. Surgeons do not help patients rehabilitate movement wise after surgery. The list goes on. Because of my experience after a road traffic accident I had to research what surgeons actually do know, because surgeons get listened to in the English courts while rheumatologists who have to pick the pieces when things go wrong are not.

Surgeons are not involved until you have something that surgery may help. Doing surgery can result in nerves getting cut. You run the risk off stroke and heart attack if you are beyond a certain age. Scar tissue can do all sorts of things by means of spinal reflexes. It takes some time for scar tissue to become established.

Surgeons read reports on what should happen. Sometimes the reports have been fraudulently written up. If a procedure does not work as expected then a process of defense starts against possible litigation. This involves a wholes series of this can't happen it is the patient's imagination. The patient is suffering from a personality disorder or some other mental complaint. The patient suffering from some imaginary complaint means that there is no long term side effect from a surgical procedure. The fact that the after-effects of the surgerical injury created the stress that led the mental health problems that the patient is suffering are not relevant to the English courts (may have changed) and thus not relevant to the surgeon and the Medical Defense Union.

You have to try and find out what happens after you have been discharged from the surgeon's care.

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