Shadow Health Secretary Andy Burnham said that everyone should have a single key person who will coordinate all aspects of an individuals health. Anyone see that article?
NHS should look after whole person - article ... - Pain Concern
NHS should look after whole person - article Times.

Sorry, found it as. BBC news item from an interview by Andrew Marr.
Here's a link for the transcript. Interesting concept so that you only need to go to one point of contact.... But what if that point of contact says 'sorry I don't think you need help', where would you turn too? I think it is referring to 1 system as opposed to just 1 person for the whole of the care; but concerned that initially 1 person alone would make the decision if help was needed.
Here's a link for the Andy Burnam interview transcript on 29/04/13.
Thanks for mentioning this, intruiging.
Thanks Stampede. I read the transcript and note that it is yet another reinvention of the wheel. Successive govts have tried to merge H and SC for years and it doesn't come off. Local Authorities and NHS budgets are jealously guarded by their managers and probably by their Ministers. Besides, it looks like the main thrust of the thing is about old people consuming too much cash ! I don't know what's to become of us!
I cannot see Andy Burnham proposals working.
I have seen and met and discussed issues with plenty of social workers and health officials who just waste my time. They quote what they want you to believe not what happens in reality.
The present local system being run by the council seems better than the system run by the PCT. The PCT would lie to you. The council tell the health trust that this is needed after you have presented the facts to them. Councilors have wives, husbands, mothers, fathers and family who are dependant on good treatment by the NHS.
An NHS official is just a Bureaucrat.