If the ca125 test is normal (age 72) does that ... - My Ovacome

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If the ca125 test is normal (age 72) does that mean the ovarian mass is not cancerous?

geralyn profile image
9 Replies
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geralyn profile image
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9 Replies
wendydee profile image

Hi Geralyn

Not sure what your history is but it may be a good idea to ring the nurse helpline on 0845 371 0554, they have so much info at their fingertips and can reassure you or advise you as to what you can do next to check out you're OK. CA125 tests can be affected by so many factors, but it's great that yours is low. Mine was 545 before my op and went down to 12 afterwards....very reassuring! I hope your mass is something else other than OC, but it will probably need looking into

Love Wendy xx

geralyn profile image
geralyn in reply to wendydee

Hi Wendy thanks for taking the time to respond. I tried the helpline a few times today but got no response so i will keep trying. Its my mum who is affected and i am going to her first appointment with the gynaecologist tomorrow morning. I'm trying to stay hopeful although she appears to have alot of symptomns indicative of oc. Her abdomen is very swollen and the ultrasound scan has confirmed a large mass around her right ovary. She is struggling with urinary incontinence due to the pressure in her abdomen. I guess I am just scared what we are going to be told tomorrow and trying to stay strong for her. Not going to be much help to her if I fall apart.

Thanks again Geralyn x

wendydee profile image
wendydee in reply to geralyn

If the CA125 is low, it sounds good, even if there is OC there, it may well have been caught and treated early....that's they key to recovery. You will cope, I'm sure, and you're being a good support to your Mum. The urinary incontinence must be distressing for her, that needs treating (my Mum has just started with that following nerve damage and a spinal op, it's horrible to think of for her). Good luck and well done for finding a supportive site where we all understand. The nurse helpline has an answerphone and they usually get back to you pretty soon.

Love Wendy xx

TealSista profile image

This is a good question to discus with the Ovacome nurse led helpline

SaraL profile image

Hi Geralyn

I don't wish to make you worry more but CA125 does not pick up on all ovarian cancers, for instance clear cell OC does not show on this test. With clear cell, this is usually picked up at the early stages, however, as it presents with a palpable mass, unlike some of the other ovarian cancers. As Wendy says, early diagnosis and treatment are key to recovery.

I do wish you and your mother well, and hope that you find reassurance and a positive way forward.

Sara x

geralyn profile image
geralyn in reply to SaraL

hi Sara thanks for your response. I'm trying to prepare for the worse and if the news isn't bad then I will be very relieved. I will let you know how tomorrow goes.

Geralyn x

TinaWright profile image

Hi Geralyn,

The CA 125 is only used as a marker test and this test is not always a good marker for everyone.

CA 125 does not measure the cancer itself, it measures the protien in our blood.

Quite often with OV cancer we produce higher levels of protein in our blood and if this is the case it can be used successfully as a marker.

For example, at the time I was diagnosed mine had risen to 1,008. After surgery it dropped rapidly and continued to fall with chemo. I finished my chemo a year ago and my CA 125 is still falling and last test result was 8.

However, 35 or less is classed as normal range, but if mine rises to 20 this may indicate something is going on such as a re-occurance.

We are all individuals and some peoples CA 125 does not rise by very much with the cancer. Therefore it can`t always be used as a marker (guide to what is going on). It is not used to diagnose.

On the other hand, our CA 125 can also rise with other illnesses too, even a common cold can make it rise slightly.

I hope this helps you to understand without adding to your anxiety. Waiting is such an anxious time. I was diagnosed, and operated on in less than a week so I didn`t really have a long time hanging around for results. However, actually waiting for the referral appointment to come through seemed never ending, so I know what the anxiesty feels like.

Try not to think too much, keep the mind active on other things if you can possibly do so.

I had a bit of a blip a couple of weeks ago after some doggy looking cells was picked up on a mammogram. I was called back and convinced myself it was another primary cancer, it turned out to be a benign cyst. No news is good news, wishing you all the best of luck in the world, you know we we are if you need to talk some more.

Love with a hug from Tina xx

geralyn profile image
geralyn in reply to TinaWright

Hi Tina thanks for the kind words. Hospital went ok to begin with and the gynaecologist indicated that they may take no action and just check it every three months. That changed once she did the scan herself. The cyst is qui8te large 20 cms by 12cms. She said it is so large in the abdomen that she cant be sure it is originating from the ovary. She has referred my mum for an urgent ct scan which she said she should have in two weeks then back to the nclinic for results. Her CA125 result was 25 which she said was good. Has anyone any experience of a cyst as large as my mums and what can we expect to happen next?

Jan76 profile image

Hi there Geralyn ...

My CA125 was with in its normal range in Nov 2011 but after my op they told me I had a very rare and agressive form of OC .. They say it does not always show a raised level in the early stages and they told me mine was at stage 1C ..Thinking about you and your Mum xxxx

Take good care xxx

Love Janet xx

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