Hello wonderful people! So many amazing stories and kind replies! Anyone with low grade serous carcinoma? Any advice on managing to stay healthy without HRT?
Low grade serous carcinoma : Hello wonderful... - My Ovacome
Low grade serous carcinoma

Hi there ! I too was diagnosed with low grade serous carcinoma....but only after I'd requested a 2nd opinion from the Royal Marsden in London. Initially diagnosed with the very rare psammocarcinoma by my local hospital. I wasn't offered chemo as was told there was no evidence to support it being any benefit. After some research of my own I requested to be started on the drug Tamoxifen and I'm still taking it 10 years later ! I have scans every year to monitor any changes but so far so good 🤞
I wish I could suggest something to help with the induced menopause......the hot flushes I had were horrendous and docs weren't able to help with any of my symptoms.
Hope you're getting on ok at the moment with everything? It's all a bit overwhelming finding yourself in the 'rare' club ! Xx
I was diagnosed with Lgsoc at age 39. So thrown into early menopause with no HRT too. Some of the earlier symptoms improved over time and with lifestyle changes.
It depends which aspects of menopause are bothering you the most. Without HRT its more about treating symptomatically.
Generally though I’d say just try and maintain a healthy lifestyle. Healthy diet, regular and varied exercise (mix of cardiovascular, strength, suppleness) and do stuff that makes you smile.
It's good to hear that some of the symptoms improved over time! Such a limbo, isn't it, I was only turned 36 4 days before the surgery! I am really set on this - exercise and healthy diet, was prior to my diagnosis too. I have no hot flushes but ladies discomfort and fatigue are the brain of my existence now! 🤞CA125 comes back promising.
sorry about this situation:(. It royally sucks. Treating your symptoms… there’s Veozah for hot flushes (non hormonal); intrarosa vaginal suppositories (no estrogen in them) for painful intercourse, and there’s estradiol vaginal cream which has been found thru trials to be ok even for breast cancer survivors, so by same logic due to the minimal (if any at all) absorption of estrogen in body should be ok for lgsoc, but consult w oncologist on that cream and if its acceptable in your case. Also, from what I’ve read, it appears some lgsoc is more estrogen sensitive than other people’s lgsoc. Best of luck!🍀